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Scientific projects of the Geophysics and Seismology Department, 2023

AP14869271 «Improving the operational characteristics of the drilling tool by improving its design and equipping it with composite diamond-containing working elements of increased durability». Scientific supervisor Boranbay Tovbasarovich Ratov.

АР19575556 «Development of an innovative technology for the intensification of underground uranium leaching using polymer and binder components in conditions of borehole uranium mining». Scientific supervisor Togizov Kuanysh Serikkhanovich.

AP19680360 «Modeling of the stress-strain state of mountain massifs in the development of ore deposits based on complex geomechanical and geophysical studies». Scientific supervisor Isayeva Lyudmila Dzhanduisenovna.

Household. contractual project: «Preparation of a report on geophysical work and graphical applications with allocation of water inflow zones and sections by profiles». Scientific supervisor Sharapatov Abish Sharapatovich.

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