Department of Automation and сontrol

The Department of Automation and Control was formed on the basis of the Departments of Automation and Telemechanics and Automation of Technological Processes and Production.

The founder of the department “Automation of Technological Processes and Production” and its first head was a famous scientist-teacher, now academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ashimov A.A.

Subsequently, from 1971 to 1984. and from 1990 to 2001 the head of the department was Professor G.M. Tokhtabaev, who was a well-known scientist and teacher in the republic and the Commonwealth countries.

From 2000 to October 2001, the department was headed by a student of Professor Tokhtabaev G.M., Ph.D., Associate Professor Zhusupbekov S.S.

From 2001 to 2006, the head of the department was associate professor, candidate of technical sciences, honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Koshimbaev Sh.K.,who in previous years worked as the dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, and deputy director of the Institute of IT.

From September 2006 to 2020, the head of the department was Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Suleimenov B.A.under his leadership, the department continues its effective progress in the field of training specialists and in the scientific direction.

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Aldiyarov Nakhypbek Ualievich heads the department from September 2020 to the present. Under his leadership, the department continues to work effectively both in the field of training specialists and in the scientific field.

Over the years of the department's existence, thousands of engineers and bachelors, over a hundred master's students and dozens of doctoral students have graduated. The department is proud of its graduates, who have been making a great contribution to the development of science and industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for more than half a century.


Mission and principal aim of the department and educational programs

The mission of the department: We create the human capital of the country, which has modern knowledge, innovations and is able to use them in practice.

The aims of the department are:

- training highly qualified personnel who understand the strategy of innovation and industrial development, who are able to form new approaches to the industrial diversification of the country, support sustainable economic development and manage its growth at a qualitatively new competitive level, implementing the principle of lifelong learning;

- conducting research at the global level with the practical application of the results obtained in real industrial production.

Within the framework of this mission and goals, the mission and goals of educational programs for which bachelors, masters and PhDs in the field of “Automation and Control” are being prepared are formulated.

The mission of the bachelor’s educational program in the specialty 6B07 - “Automation and robotization” is the development and self-development of a holistic personality - a highly qualified specialist with modern knowledge and practical skills in operating, installing and adjusting automated process control systems and robotic production in various industries.

The aims of the educational program are:

  1.  To cultivate a sense of patriotism, to appreciate the friendship of the peoples of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to instill respect for various cultures, traditions and customs; to form the universal human and socio-personal values ​​of the graduates
  2.  To form an ecological, physical, ethical, legal culture, culture of thinking; perform bachelor language training.
  3.  To form the fundamental knowledge, skills that are necessary in professional activities in the field of automation, robotization, artificial intelligence and automated control.

The mission of the educational program of the scientific and pedagogical magistracy 7M071 - "Automation and robotization" is the development and self-development of a holistic personality - a highly qualified specialist in the scientific and pedagogical direction in the field of automation, robotization, artificial intelligence and automated сontrol for organizations of education and science, companies for development and design and the introduction of automated and robotic systems.

The aims of the educational program are:

  1.  To obtain  the in-depth knowledge of automation, robotization, artificial intelligence and automated control.
  2.  To develop theoretical and practical research skills in the field of automation, robotization, artificial intelligence and automated control.
  3.  To prepare for research and teaching activities in educational and scientific organizations.
  4.  To accumulate  knowledge through original research

 The mission of the educational program of the PhD doctoral program in the specialty 8D071 - “Automation and robotization” is to develop and self-develop the whole personality - a professional who is able to effectively participate in research and development in the field of automation, robotization, artificial intelligence and automated control.

The aims of the educational program are:

  1.  To obtain the in-depth knowledge of automation, robotization, artificial intelligence and automated control.
  2.  To develop theoretical and practical research skills in the field of automation, robotization, artificial intelligence and automated control.
  3.  To prepare for research and teaching activities in educational and scientific organizations.
  4.  To accumulate  knowledge through original research

Scientific directions and scientific projects with scientific supervisors and their areas of interest:

  1.  Development of an intelligent system for optimal control of the process of melting copper concentrates in the Vanyukov furnace in the conditions of the Balkhash copper plant - scientific advisors Sh.K. Koshimbaev.
  2.  Development, modeling and testing of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of the technological process of in-situ leaching of uranium - scientific advisers Omirbekova Zh.Zh., Mukhanov B.K
  3.  Development of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of biogas production and combustion processes - supervisors A.B Suleimenov.
  4.  Development of models and algorithms for constructing robotic technological complexes for non-ferrous metallurgy - scientific adviser A. Beisembaev.
  5.  Development and implementation of industrial tests of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of the process of purification of phosphorus from arsenic in NDFZ conditions - scientific supervisors B.K Mukhanov, B.A Suleimenov.
  6.  Development of a stand for seismic resistance tests using a robotic complex - scientific supervisor K.A Abzhaparov

The international cooperation

  • Lublin University of Technology, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Faculty  (Poland)
  • Tokai University, Alem International (Japan)
  • Florence University,  Electronic and Telecommunication
  • Silesian Technical University (Poland)
  • National Research Technological University "MISiS" (Russia)
  • National Aviation University (Kiev)
  • National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

Visiting Professors:

  • Lublin University of Technology, Waldemar Wojcik
  • Professors from the Kiev Aviation University: Gopienko Viktor Ivanovich and Pavlenko Petr Nikolaevich.
  • Professors from Kiev Aviation University: Viktor Ivanovich Gopienko and Petr Nikolayevich Pavlenko with master degree students of Kazatomprom.

 Bachelor degree and master degree students of the department - the winners of the competition of scientific reports at the Satpaev readings.

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Suleimenov Alibek, a doctoral student  at the international conference: "The 16th International Conference «Information Technologies and Management -2018 april 26-27".

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  Exposition of the A&R department on the Open Day 

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Head of the department:                                     

Aldiyarov Nakhypbek Ualievich

Phone: 8777 274 63 01


cabinet: 703 MEB


Department phones:

Phone: 2927430/2925756


Department website:


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