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Department of Automation and сontrol

The Department of Automation and Control was established based on the departments of "Automation and Remote Control" and "Automation of Technological Processes and Productions." Its history dates back to 1960. In 2008, following a reorganization, these departments merged to form a new department. The head of the department became Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Batyrbek Aitbayevich Suleimenov.

From 2020 to 2024, the head of the department was Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Aldiyarov Nakhypbek Ualievich. Under his leadership, the department continued to operate effectively both in the area of specialist training and scientific research. In 2021, the doctoral program 8D07101 "Automation and Robotics" successfully passed accreditation by the Kazakh Association of Engineering Education (KAZSEE).

Over its existence, the department has trained thousands of engineers and bachelors, more than a hundred master's degree holders, and dozens of doctoral candidates. The department takes pride in its graduates, who for over fifty years have contributed significantly to the development of science and industry in Kazakhstan.

Currently, the department is headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Nurlan Saduaqsovich Sarsenbaev. The department's faculty consists of highly qualified staff: 2 Doctors of Science, 9 Candidates of Science, and 7 PhD holders. The percentage of faculty with academic degrees is 70%, one of the highest in the university. All teachers annually improve their qualifications in project and implementation companies, as well as in foreign universities. For example, Senior Lecturer, Doctor of PhD K. Muslimov, is currently undergoing an internship in Poland under the "Bolashak" program.

Победители XIV Республиканской предметной олимпиады по специальности Автомтаизация и управление, 2022 г.

Winners of the XIV Republican Subject Olympiad in Automation and Control, 2022.                     

To ensure the effective preparation of specialists in "Automation and Robotics" within the framework of a multi-level system ("bachelor's – master's – doctoral studies"), the department's material and technical base is being updated. Training now utilizes equipment and software products from leading global companies in the field of automation and control: Siemens, Honeywell, Schneider Electric, Yokogawa, Festo, and OWEN. The department has established the Kazakh-German research and training center for automation systems "KazNTU-Siemens," the interdepartmental research and training center for automation "KazNTU-Schneider Electric," the SCADA systems research and training laboratory, and the "Industrial Automation" research and training laboratory. In these labs, students, master's degree holders, and doctoral candidates are trained in programming, gaining skills in working with software and technical tools from Siemens, Honeywell, Schneider Electric, Yokogawa, Festo, Fisher-Rosemount, and OWEN. Real-world methods of automatic control of power processes and robotic complexes are practiced in a specialized training center equipped by Schneider Electric.

Сотрудники кафедры и представители ТОО «Адвантек Инжиниринг» при открытий лабораторий «Промышленная автоматизация»

Staff of the department and representatives of LLP "Advantech Engineering" at the opening of the "Industrial Automation" laboratories.



A brief history of the Department of Automation and Remote Control

In 1961, within the Faculty of Automation and Computer Technology, the Department of Automation and Remote Control (ATM) was established. The founder and first head of the department was a renowned scientist in the field of control theory, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Abdesh Kuramaevich Bedelbaev.

A participant in the Great Patriotic War, Bedelbaev A.K. graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of KazGU in 1949 and entered the postgraduate program at the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1951. In 1953, under the supervision of the renowned scientist, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.I. Lurie, he successfully defended his PhD thesis. In 1960, he published the first monograph by a Kazakh scientist in the field of control theory: "Stability of Nonlinear Automatic Control Systems." In 1964, at the same institute, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Construction of Stable and Optimal Controlled Systems Using Lyapunov Functions." The members of the dissertation defense committee, including Corresponding Members of the USSR Academy of Sciences A.I. Lurie, E.P. Popov, and official opponents such as the President of IFAC, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Letov A.M., and other prominent figures, praised the relevance of the research topic and the high erudition of the candidate.

Bedelbaev A.K. was the initiator and first scientific director of the problem laboratory for the Automation of Production Processes at the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute.

From 1965 to 1966, the department was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Pavel Andreevich Shamin. From 1967 to 1975, the department was led by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Eduard Alexandrovich Ivanov. During this time, the department significantly strengthened its material base and was actively engaged in contract work with large industrial and defense enterprises. Leading instructors included Associate Professors Yu.I. Malakhov, N.Ya. Zaslavskaya, O.Z. Rutgayzer, A.U. Umiryaev, A.P. Kutsy, M.M. Telemtaev, Senior Lecturers I.N. Malakhova, I.N. Arkhangelsky, and others. The department established cooperation agreements with leading technical universities in the USSR: Moscow Higher Technical School named after N.E. Bauman, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, and others.

It is worth noting that Associate Professors M.M. Telemtaev and O.Z. Rutgayzer, who continued the research initiated at the ATM department, later defended doctoral dissertations in the field of technical sciences.

In 1964, the department organized an industry-based research laboratory for the automation of drawing processes (ONILAV), which, during its existence, obtained over 30 authorship certificates for inventions, published more than 100 scientific articles, and received one gold, one silver, and one bronze medal from the USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements (VDNKh), along with 10 diplomas from the USSR and Kazakh SSR VDNKh exhibitions. The head of the laboratory was a prominent scientist and organizer in the field of automation of production processes, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Yuri Ivanovich Malakhov.

In 1969, the Student Design Bureau "Instrument" was established at the ATM department by Associate Professor L.A. Brichkin, an Honored Inventor of the USSR. The bureau developed many devices and instruments, which were implemented not only in enterprises in Kazakhstan but also in other republics. Some of these instruments were used by the Astrophysical Laboratory of the KazSSR Academy of Sciences Observatory, the State Research and Design Institute "Tsvetmetobrabotka," and the Moscow Aviation Institute named after S. Ordzhonikidze, among others.

From 1975 to 2004, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dastan Zhakanovich Syzdykov, a recognized scholar in the field of identification theory and adaptive control. For his significant theoretical and practical contributions, Professor Syzdykov was awarded the 1991 Cabinet of Ministers of Kazakhstan Prize in Science and Technology for a set of measures to modernize and reconstruct the "1700" hot-rolling mill at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant, with the implementation of modern automation systems that improved productivity and mastered new types of rolled products. Under his supervision, 10 candidates defended their dissertations in technical sciences, and he served as a scientific consultant for 4 doctoral dissertations.

During this period, the number of students at the department increased significantly, as did the volume of contract research. Notable studies included automation in rolling production, automation of processes for manufacturing reinforced concrete structures, automation of sintering processes in phosphorus ore production, automation of oil pipelines, and the robotization of technological processes in non-ferrous metallurgy.

At this time, the department expanded its staff with new instructors, including Associate Professors S.O. Kadyrbekov, S.M. Toktabaev, S.P. Sokolova, V.Yu. Magomaev, K.S. Smatov, G.I. Khasenova, D.M. Alibaev, M.Sh. Baibatshaev, N.T. Isembergenov, A.D. Zhangozen, A.V. Zagranichny, S.S. Tabultayev, S.A. Kulmamirov, D.F. Akhmetov, A.A. Beisembaev, and O.I. Shiryaeva; Senior Lecturers E.I. Shin, Sh.A. Musin, S.K. Shukaeva, G.N. Karaseva; and Lecturers V. Vilkov, A.F. Kosbaeva, L.B. Ilipbaeva, and N.S. Sarsenbaev. The department's academic process was supported by N.D. Klubnikina and R. Dosymbaeva, and engineers L.L. Davydov, S.N. Gilev, A. Arkabaev, and A.V. Fogel.

Contract research was carried out by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor P.I. Manenkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences B.S. Dzhumagaliev, and engineers E. Kupriyanov, T.N. Magomaeva, A.V. Antonov, D.V. Kuznetsov, S.V. Dremkov, N.M. Kurmashev, A.V. Tsoi, M.A. Balgaev, M.I. Kalibekov, and A.K. Tokhtibakiev.

Doctoral dissertations were defended by the department's instructors S.P. Sokolova, K.S. Smatov, N.T. Isembergenov, and M.Sh. Baibatshaev.

In 2004, the head of the ATM department was appointed Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nalik Turegaliyevich Isembergenov. His scientific research is related to the problem of renewable energy sources. In 2002, he defended his doctoral dissertation on this topic. From 2003 to 2005, he was a member of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During this time, under the scientific supervision of N.T. Isembergenov, candidate dissertations were defended by Nurlan Saduaqsovich Sarsenbaev and Lyazzat Bulatovna Ilipbaeva.


A brief history of the Department of Automation of Technological Processes and Productions

The founder of the Department of Automation of Technological Processes and Productions and its first head was the renowned scholar and educator, currently an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ashimov A.A.

During the early development of the department, a selection of highly qualified specialists and educators was made, and priority scientific directions were defined. The department included such professors as Honored Worker of Science of the Kazakh SSR G.M. Tokhtabaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Honored Worker of Education of Kazakhstan D.Zh. Syzdykov, Professor B.N. Liu, Associate Professor A.A. Afanasyev, and others.

Later, from 1971 to 1984, and from 1990 to 2001, the department was headed by Professor G.M. Tokhtabaev, who was a prominent scientist and educator in the republic and the Commonwealth of Independent States. He authored more than 120 scientific works and 17 invention certificates. Under his supervision, 10 candidates of sciences were trained and defended their dissertations, including Associate Professors Sh.K. Koshibaev, K.K. Erenchinov, B.K. Mukhanov, and S.S. Zhussupbekov.

The main scientific focus of the department became the development and implementation of automated control systems for complex distributed technological complexes in the field of non-ferrous metallurgy. This scientific direction was led by Professor G.M. Tokhtabaev, who created an industry-specific research laboratory "ONIL ASUTP in Non-Ferrous Metallurgy." The most prominent modern automated control system developed by the department under the leadership of G.M. Tokhtabaev and his students is the Automated Control System for the Industrial Selection, Transport, and Purification Complex (ASUTP POTOK) in non-ferrous metallurgy.

From 2000 to October 2001, the department was headed by a disciple of Professor G.M. Tokhtabaev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Sarsenbek Seitbekovich Zhussupbekov. On his initiative, an educational and engineering center for automation and electric drives "KazNTU-Siemens" was opened at the department.

From 2001 to 2006, the department was headed by Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honored Worker of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Shamil Koshimbekovich Koshimbaev, who had previously served as Dean of the Faculty of Automation and Computer Technology and Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Technology. Under Associate Professor Koshimbaev’s leadership, significant contributions were made to the further development of the department, including expanding its material and technical base and strengthening ties with industry and science. He published more than 80 scientific, educational, and methodological works and supervised several scientific projects. With the participation of Associate Professor Koshimbaev, the first State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan was developed and created for the specialties 050702 (bachelor’s) and 6M0702 (master’s) in "Automation and Control."

From September 2006 to 2020, the department was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Batyrbek Aitbayevich Suleimenov. Under his leadership, the department continued to make significant progress in the training of specialists and scientific research.


Head of the Department: Nurlan Saduaqsovich Sarsenbaev
Phone: +8 705 571 67 81
Office: 701, 703, GUK

Department Phone Numbers: 2927430.

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