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Republican Educational and Methodological Council - Project Management Group

The Educational and Methodological Association of the Republican Educational and Methodological Council of Higher and Postgraduate Education at  Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev is an advisory working body established in the system of higher and postgraduate education in order to coordinate the activities of higher educational institutions, ensure the quality and development of education, as well as the participation of pedagogical, scientific and academic workers, representatives of employers in the development of educational programs (“On the establishment of the Republican Educational and Methodical Council of higher and postgraduate education and Educational and Methodical Associations in the areas of training and approval of the regulations on their activities” No. 562 from October 12, 2018.).

The Educational and methodological association (EMA) includes educational and methodological sections in the following areas of personnel training:

- Department of "Geological survey, search and exploration of mineral deposits"

- Engineering and engineering in the section: “Electronics and Automation”, (Robotics and Mechatronics), (Automation and Control);

- Production processing sectors in the section: “Petroleum engineering”

The subject of the EMA includes:

- interaction of higher and postgraduate education organizations, representatives of employers, accreditation agencies and other organizations in order to improve the external and internal Quality Assurance Systems of higher and postgraduate education;

- preparation of recommendations for improving State Compulsory Educational Standard of higher and postgraduate education, and a classifier of training areas in higher and postgraduate education;

- preparation of recommendations on the formation of learning outcomes in areas of training in higher and postgraduate education in accordance with the national Qualifications framework, Industry qualifications frameworks and professional standards;

- monitoring the supervised areas of training on the subject of staff, literature, electronic databases and other necessary resources availability;

- examination, reviewing of textbooks, teaching aids, test items, educational publications of various levels in the supervised areas of training in higher, postgraduate and post-secondary technical training education;

- preparation of recommendations on the defining specialized subjects for Unified National Testing, Complex Testing of applicants who enter the higher education organizations, as well as disciplines of External Evaluation of Educational Achievements of students in higher education organizations;

- preparation of recommendations for improving the content of Study Programs and training methods, taking into account the expectations and requirements of the employer as a consumer of educational services;

- world practice analysis and generalization, including foreign universities, with the aim of developing methodologies of a recommendatory nature to create internal and external Quality Assurance systems for the educational process.

Council News




Order for approval on the composition of UMO RTMC 2021

Work Plan of the Project Management Group of the Educational and Methodological Council for 2022 dated 02.12.2021

Appendix 1 to Order 258-p

Appendix 2 to Order 258-p



Chief Manager of EMS-PMG-REMS:
Shukmanova Anar Abilkhanovna
Doctor PhD, Associate Professor

Manager of EMS-PMG-REMS:
Turganbaeva Aida Alpamysovna.

Almaty st. Satpayev 22.
Main academic building, room No. 425.
Tel: +7 (727) 320-40-16 (70-16).

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