Department of PhD Studies
The Department of PhD Studies is a structural subdivision of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev.
The main responsibilities of the Department are:
- organization of the educational process for PhD students;
- coordination and collection of applications for the admission to the Pre-Doctoral program at Satbayev University;
- coordination of PhD students to conclude an agreement with a foreign supervisor, collection of certificates of completed work;
- approval of scientific supervisors of 1st year PhD students and topics of PhD theses;
- changes in PhD thesis topics and the supervisor during the studies (if necessary)
- coordination of 2-3 PhD students in passing a foreign research internship;
- monitoring of 3rd year PhD students for readiness for the upcoming thesis defense;
- issuing orders for foreign internships of PhD students;
- monitoring of quarterly and annual reports of Dissertation Councils;
- issuing orders for the restoration of PhD students to pass pre-defense and defense of PhD theses;
- organization of the meeting of the Ethics Commission and issuance of conclusions of the Ethics Commission, etc.