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Department of Planning and Organization of the Educational Process

Main functions of the planning and organization of the educational process department are:

  • planning and organization of the educational process;
  • coordination of academic activities at the university;
  • organization and control of the development of  planned documentation  (schedules of educational processes, academic calendar) according to the requirements of the state mandatory standard of education specified by the MSHE of RK ;
  • preparation of reports, related to the educational work; preparation of the annual report of the university by the main indicators of educational activities;
  • organization of correspondence with MSHE of RK and other organizations related to the educational process;
  • informing academic departments of the University about publication of regulatory documentation and resolutions of the MSHE of RK;
  • checking the journals of the pedagogical load of academic departments in accordance with the study schedule;
  • calculation of the annual academic load by forms of study, specialties and courses according to the current curriculum;
  • monitoring of the implementation of the pedagogical load of instructors (summary information on the load actually performed);
  • monitoring and accounting of the rational distribution of the academic load by instructors according with  internal regulatory documents;
  • preparation, organization and holding of the annual competition “Best University Teacher” (Orders, road map, certificates, registration, orders, correspondence, report);
  • organization, control, preparation of documentation (Orders, registration control, contracts, correspondence) on internal academic mobility, with the provision of information on the results.
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