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Architecture Department

Department of "Architecture" of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev is a follower of the traditions of the architectural faculty of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I. Lenin, with 55 years of history of education.


In 1961, on the initiative of the outstanding Kazakh scientist-architect and prominent state figure of the republic ToleuKulchamanovitchBasenov, the first set was made for the specialty "Architecture" within the framework of the building faculty of KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin and in 1964, the Department of Urban Development was established. In 1966, on the basis of two departments, "Urban Construction" and "Descriptive Geometry," an architectural faculty was created, the first dean of which was A.D. Kuzyutin.


The number of departments grew steadily, so in 1967 the department "Architecture of residential and public buildings" was opened under the guidance of Associate Professor R.A. Seidalin, Honored architect of the Kazakh SSR, in 1972 - the department "History of Architecture and Architectural Designs", the founder and head of which was the eminent Kazakh architect-scientist, Honored Architect of the RepublicM.M. Mendikulov, in 1977 the department "Drawing" was created, the head of which was the National artist of the Kazakh SSR M.S. Kenbaev, in 1978 the last department of the architectural faculty was opened - "Theory and history of architecture". The subsequent deans of the faculty of architecture of KazPTI were wonderful teachers, such as KruglovYu.V., Glaudinov B.A., R.A. Seidalin, A.I.Korzhempo, J.B. Tumanyan, M.G. Seidalin, M.R. Izbasarova, E.I. Tsoi etc.


Among the graduates of the architectural faculty of KazPTI are architects who are the pride of the Republic of Kazakhstan, known for their work not only in Kazakhstan but also abroad, as the only one in Kazakhstan, National architect of the USSR, MontakhayevK.Zh., Laureate of the Council of Ministers of the KazSSRZhandauletov M., Honored Architect Republic of Kazakhstan Eraliev T.E., the two main architects of Almaty - Baimagambetov S.K. And Fazylov S.A., President of the Union of Urban Planners R.K.Nasanbaeva L.V., President of the Union of Designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan Suleimenov T.B., Tuyakbaeva B.T .and many others.


Continuing the glorious traditions of the architectural faculty of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, in 2004, within the walls of the Kazakh National Technical University. K.I. after the break, Satpayev began training architects. The University received the state license AA № 0000004 for the training and the release of bachelors of architecture (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 26.04.2004, No. 361). The newly formed Department of "Construction and Architecture" (later renamed the Department of Architecture and Design, then the Department of Architecture) in the same year carried out the first set of students, architects. The head of the department was Doctor of Architecture, Academician of the International Academy of Eastern Countries Architecture (IAECA), Professor Azimov I.M., who made a great contribution to the establishment of the renovated architectural school in the specialties "Architecture" and "Design".

From 2014 to 2016, the department was headed by BolatUraikhanovichKuspangaliev, Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Academician ofIAECA, President of the Kazakhstan Center of the International Academy of Architecture; from August 2016 - Director of the Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T.K. Basenov.


In October 2011, the Department of Architecture celebrated the 50th anniversary of the foundation of architectural education in Kazakhstan. In the Kazakh National Technical University (now KazNRTU) named after K.I. Satpayev International Scientific and Practical Conference "Architectural Education in the Modern World: Problems and Perspectives" was held, dedicated to the anniversary of the foundation of architectural education in Kazakhstan. The conference was attended by: heads of organizations, rectors, prorectors, deans of educational institutions, heads of departments, leading the training of architects and designers of the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, presidents and members of the Union of Architects, city planners and designers of Kazakhstan, Teaching staff, KazNTU specialists. The main outcome of the conference was the creation of a Consortium between schools and public organizations of the CIS countries in order to coordinate efforts to develop the most effective policy of training highly qualified personnel, and to raise the prestige of the profession of architect and designer.


In 2013, with the active assistance of the rector of the Kazakh National Technical University. K. I. Satpayev Academician AdilovZh.M. and professors of the department "Architecture, Almaty hosted the Festival of Architecture of Kazakhstan, in conjunction with which was held the XXI International IACA review competition for the best project (construction) of 2013.


2014 became an anniversary not only for KazNTU them. K.I. Satpayev. Together with the anniversary of the University, the department "Architecture" celebrated its first anniversary - 10 years.


In December 2016, with the active participation of the Department of Architecture, in cooperation with the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan, the competition of the best architectural works devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the 80th anniversary of the Union of Architects of Kazakhstan, the 55th anniversary of architectural education in Kazakhstan and the 1000th anniversary of the city took place.Almaty.


To teach special disciplines in the specialties "Architecture" and "Design" attracted highly qualified teachers, artists and designers with extensive experience in creative work. At the department, a teaching team was formed, whose high qualification is confirmed not only by academic degrees and titles, but also by practical, creative and scientific experience.


Since the foundation of the department there have been well-known architects with great scientific and pedagogical experience: Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Academician of IAECAKuspangaliev B.U., Doctor of Architecture, Professor, Academician of IAECAAbilovA.Zh., Doctor of Architecture, prof. Turganbaeva L.R., Senior Lecturer Lebedeva S.N., Senior Teacher Turebaeva K.I. and etc.


At present, the pedagogical staff of the department has been strengthened by practices known in the Republic of Kazakhstan - architects and designers – B.A. Ibraev, S.M. Maiorov, J.M. Takhanov, B. Shakerbaev. and etc.


Today the department prepares in the following specialties: 5B042000 - "Architecture" and 5B042100 - "Design". Training is conducted through the undergraduate and graduate programs. We offer full-time and distance learning courses, accelerated training programs for graduates of colleges of architectural and design profile.


In the process of teaching, the students of the department have the opportunity to attend lectures and master classes of invited foreign lecturers, such as prof. Alfred Meyers prof. IllugiEysteinsson, Felipe Pich-Aguilera, Teresa Batlle, Marco Salvatore, Philipp Meuser, and others.

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