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Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology

The department "Standardization, certification and metrology" is a part of the Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering. Conducts training in the educational programs "Industrial Engineering", "Standardization, Certification and Metrology (by industry)", and also trains students of the initial courses of Satbayev University in the basic disciplines of the university component: "Descriptive Geometry", "Engineering and Computer Graphics", etc.

On the basis of Satbayev University, together with the Republican State Enterprise "KazStandard" of the Ministry of Trade and Integration of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "KazStandard Academy" was opened.

On the basis of the RSE "KazStandard" in Almaty, a branch of the department of SС&M functions.

Also, branches of the department are present in such organizations as «City cardiological center» and «Scientia Kazakhstan».



  • training of highly qualified specialists with the required level of professional competencies in the field of quality management, oriented towards innovation, able to compete in the conditions of economic development;
  • participation of the department in the preparation of highly qualified, competitive specialists who are able to demonstrate a high level of acquired knowledge, professional skills and have high moral character;
  • participation of the department in the work to provide the university with a high status and a world level.

Objectives of the department:

  • Ensuring the training of highly qualified personnel, taking into account the dynamically changing needs of the educational services market and the labor market with the maximum fulfillment of the requirements in the quality management system, regulated by the international ISO standard;
  • Creation of an effective system of education that contributes to meeting the needs of students;
  • Education and training of specialists in the field of standardization, certification and metrology in ensuring the improvement and improvement of the quality of development of various industries;
  • Organization and implementation of the educational process in the disciplines of the geometrical-graphic direction;
  • Formation of educational and methodological complexes of disciplines of the department;
  • Professional development of the teaching staff;
  • Carrying out state budgetary and contractual research works.
  • Equipping laboratories with modern equipment, instruments and visual aids.

Tasks of the department:

  • study of the system of standardization, certification, metrology in ensuring the quality of systems of economic sectors;
  • formation of students' knowledge of the basic methods of depicting spatial forms on a plane, development of spatial representation and imagination, constructive-geometric thinking based on graphic models of spatial forms;
  • obtaining by students the knowledge and skills necessary for the execution and reading of drawings of various industries and construction, making sketches, working drawings;
  • Study of the basics of automated preparation systems (CAD) of the graphic part of design documents;
  • Inclusion of students in research activities.


In the course of teaching the disciplines of the department "Standardization, certification and metrology" the following competencies are developed:

  • have knowledge and skills in the field of metrology, standardization, certification and quality control;
  • own methods of standardization of metrological characteristics of measuring instruments, processing of measurement results;
  • to master the techniques, methods and means of making drawings, constructing graphic images and their transformation, the basics of working in graphic CAD packages;
  • the ability and willingness to submit technical documentation in accordance with the requirements of ESKD and other regulatory documents.
  • ability to collect and analyze scientific information, make conclusions, as well as the willingness to make changes in research.
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