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Physical Education

The Department of Physical Culture has been functioning since the first days of the University’s formation and has a long and glorious history.

The Department of Physical Culture

The university has always produced elite athletes. Among them are the Olympic champion in volleyball Valery Kravchenko, the world champion in classical wrestling Vladimir Bakulin, the conqueror of Everest Kazbek Valiev and Ervand Ilyinsky, V. Khrishchaty, MSMK in basketball Galina Madison and Alexander Nikishin, repeated tennis champion Egor Shaldunov, Chernovol Gennady - MSMK in athletics, Orymkhan Gauhar - MS MK in Shotokan karate, black belt and many other student-athletes, winners and prize-winners in World and International arenas in various sports.

The Department of Physical Culture

Goals, objectives and mission of the department:

Purposephysical education of studentsSatbayev Universityis the formation of personality and the ability to purposefully use a variety of means of physical culture and sports to preserve and strengthen health, psychophysical training and self-preparation for future professional activities.

To achieve this goal, it is envisaged to solve the following educational, educational, developmental and health-improving tasks:

  • Understanding the social role of physical culture in personal development and preparation for future professional activities;
  • Knowledge of the scientific, biological and practical foundations of physical culture and a healthy lifestyle;
  • Formation of a motivational and value-based attitude towards physical culture, an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle, physical self-improvement and self-education, the need for regular exercise and sports;
  • Mastering a system of practical skills that ensure the preservation and strengthening of health, mental well-being, development and improvement of psychophysical abilities, qualities and personality traits, self-determination in physical culture;
  • Ensuring general and professionally applied physical fitness, which determines the student’s psychophysical readiness for the future profession;
  • Gaining experience in the creative use of physical education and sports activities to achieve life and professional goals.
  • Familiarization with the rules of refereeing for sports.
  • Identification of discharge athletes.
  • Individual approach to students who have an exemption from physical activity in physical education classes.

The discipline “Physical Education” is a compulsory subject for 1st and 2nd year students.

The department employs the best teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who have extensive experience in teaching, professionals who love their job and are masters of sports.

Full Name

Job title


Email address

Imataliev Talap Saipullovich

Head of the department

GMK, 101

Akmaliev Alibek Zhumagereevich

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 103

Aitbaeva Farida Berdalievna

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 102

Amrenova Gulnara Raimkhanovna

Assoc. prof., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

GMK, 102

Arkabaeva Saule Kayrallaevna

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 102

Borodina Ellina Vladimirovna

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 102

Dzhuashev Ermek Urazalievich

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 103

Dzhumabaeva Saltanat Tokbergenovna

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 101

Zhuparkhan Zhambul

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 103

Isaev Khusain Abdrakhmanovich

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 103

Mashkov Igor Yurievich

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 105

Nusipova Alma Abaevna

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 102

Plekhova Svetlana Vasilievna

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 102

Rybintseva Marina Gennadievna

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 102

Sagyndykov Rauan Shagdarbayuly

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 105

Seilov Bagdat Abylkairovich

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 105

Sinkov Dmitry Valerievich

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 105

Tanakulova Almazhan Seitzhanovna

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 102

Ukeshov Talgat Ramazanovich

Senior Lecturer

GMK, 103

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