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Student practice of the Petroleum engineering Department

Students of the Petroleum Engineering Department undergo practical have in leading international and domestic companies in the oil and gas industry. As a first step in building a career in the industry, the company provides students with the opportunity to complete an internship, in which they can reinforce their theoretical knowledge of the specialty with practical skills acquired in real production conditions, try their hand and learn more about their future profession. The experience gained can become the basis of a thesis (project). During the internship period, an experienced mentor is assigned to the student, who will help him adapt to the workplace. Students who have successfully proven themselves during this time will receive an invitation to work.

Students' practice is conducted at the Kapchagai University training ground, which was organized on the shore of Kapchagai Lake in 1978.

Leading companies – practice bases for students of the Petroleum Engineering Department:

1. JSC NC "KazMunayGas", is a Kazakh national oil company engaged in the production, transportation and processing of oil and natural gas;

2. CJSC Karachaganak Petroleum Operating is the operator of one of the largest oil and gas condensate fields in the world. KPO carries out its activities in accordance with the Final Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) signed by the partners in the international consortium with the Government of Kazakhstan in November 1997;

3. JSC "National Company "QazaqGaz" is the main gas company of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representing the interests of the state, both in the domestic and foreign gas market;

4. JSC "Volkovgeologiya" is the main enterprise of the system of JSC "NAC "Kazatomprom" for geological support of all areas of its activities and technological drilling for mining and preparatory work of the company's uranium mining enterprises;

5. Burgylau LLP is one of the largest companies in Kazakhstan in the field of drilling operations. Provides services in the oil and gas industry, namely, construction of production oil and gas wells, well overhaul and development, physical liquidation of wells, transportation services.

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