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Scientific projects of the S&G Department

Scientists of the Department of Surveying and Geodesy participate in grant financing competitions; targeted financing programs (PCF); publish scientific articles, textbooks and monographs; participate in scientific conferences; review scientific articles and abstracts; guide applicants and undergraduates.

The research work of the teachers is carried out in the field of GIS and digital data; agriculture and soil science, land management, space data of lands and mining.

The University conducts fundamental and applied scientific research, which is carried out at the expense of state and extra-budgetary sources.

The list of current scientific projects of grant financing

1. AP14871828 "Research and development of a highly effective methodology for monitoring the geotechnical state of a mountain range for assessing and predicting deformation processes during field development" (2022-2024) – head of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Rysbekov K.B.

2. AR19576993 "Intensification of the process of recultivation of disturbed lands during open-pit mining due to hyperaccumulative plants and mycorrhiza. (2023-2025). – PhD supervisor, Associate Professor Zhakypbek Y.

3. AR19680130 "Ensuring industrial, environmental safety and completeness of extraction of minerals in the conditions of the earth's sinkhole hazard" (2023-2025). – Head of PhD, Associate Professor. Aitkazinova Sh.K.

Targeted Financing Programs (PCFs)

1.BR21882179 "Development of predictive prospecting solutions for geological mapping of ore deposits by ground-based space methods" (2023-2025) - Head of PhD, Head of the Department Orynbasarova E.O.

2.BR21882366 "Development of the geoid model of the Republic of Kazakhstan as the basis of the unified state coordinate and elevation system" (2023-2025) - head of the Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Kasymkanova H.-K.M.

Students of the Department of Surveying and Geodesy demonstrated outstanding results, taking prizes (I, II, III) in the research works of students (R&D) in the specialties "Cadastre", "Geodesy and Cartography", "Surveying". The competitions included the participation of students from the universities of IOC,KazNU, ENU named after L.Gumilev and Shakarim University.

These results emphasize not only the high level of professional training of students of the department of Surveying and Geodesy, but also their ability to successfully carry out scientific activities.

Also, students of the department, under the guidance of teachers Nurpeisova M.B., Orynbasarova E., Kasymkhanova H.-K. M., Zhakypbek Y., Kyrgyzbayeva G., Aitkazinova Sh., Kozhaev Zh., Baiturbay O., etc., actively participated and participate in events such as "Satpayev readings", "Farabi Alemi", etc. Students regularly take part in scientific and practical conferences, Olympiads and constantly take prizes.

The activity of the students of the department allows them not only to express themselves in scientific research, but also to develop professionally. Participation in various events contributes to the expansion of their knowledge and experience, which is important for a successful future career in the field of cadastre, geodesy and cartography.

The enthusiasm and efforts of students and teachers of the department are aimed at continuous improvement and active participation in the scientific life of universities.


List of significant publications

1. Rysbekov K.B.

1) Potential for increasing the efficiency of design processes for mining the solid mineral deposits based on digitalization and advanced analytics

2) Increasing gold leaching efficiency with change of solution rheological properties

3) Forecast changes in the geodynamic regime of geological environment during large-scale subsoil development

4) Modern methods of geotechnic – effective way of providing industrial safety in mines

5) Technique for justifying the amount of the redundant developed reserves considering the content of metal in the mining ore

6) Investigation into the effect of multi-component coal blends on properties of metallurgical coke via petrographic analysis under industrial conditions

7) Research into impact of leaving waste rocks in the mined-out space on the geomechanical state of the rock mass surrounding the longwall face

8) Predicting of vertical displacements of structures of engineering buildings and facilities

9) Rare-metal mineralization in salt lakes and the linkage with composition of granites: evidence from burabay rock mass (eastern Kazakhstan)

2. Orynbassarova E. О.

1) 3D modeling of satbayev university based on laser scanning and  UAV  data

2) The study of kinematic GNSS surveying for BIM georeferencing

3. Kassymkhanova H.-K.M.-

1) Ensuring operational reliability of overpass on Almaty-Kapshagai highway section in Kazakhstan

2) Inspection and preparation for testing of the road overpass of the Almaty-Kapshagai highway after the vehicular impacts

3) Structural behavior of prestressed concrete bridge girder with monolithic joint

4. Nurpeisova М.B.

2) Forecast changes in the geodynamic regime of geological environment during large-scale subsoil development

3) Modeling of geodynamic processes at hydrocarbon deposit

5. Aitkazinova Sh.К.

2) Mathematical modeling the quarry wall stability under conditions of heavily jointed rocks

6. Tursbekov S.V.

1) Subsidence control method by inversely-inclined slicing and upward mining for ultra-thick steep seams

7. Soltabayeva S.Т.

1) Analysis of the displacements of pipeline overpasses based on geodetic monitoring results

8. Madimarova G.S.

1) The geodetic monitoring of deformations of a high-rise building using ground-based laser scanning technology

9. Ormambekova А.Е.

1) GNSS-assisted low-cost vision-based observation system for deformation monitoring

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