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Department of Software Engineering


The Department of "Computer Science and Applied Mathematics" was founded in 1987, and  was headed by Honored Scientist of Science and Technology of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kanat Shayhanovich Assaubaev.

The specialty 370440 - "Software of computer facilities and the automated systems" with giving qualification of engineer-programmer was opened in September 1989. After that the department became the flagship for the newly opened specialty.

In 1995 the Department was reorganized as the Department of "Computer science" by the supervising of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Marat Kapashevich Shuakaev.

In 2003 new specialty 010540 - "Computer Science" was opened and leaded by the Doctor of Technical sciences, Professor Raisa Kabievna Uskenbaeva.

In 2005 by initiation of Professor R .K. Uskenbayeva Department of "Computer Science" was renamedto the Department of "Software systems and networks".

In March 2012 the department of "Computer and Software Engineering" was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences Beissembekova Rosa Nuralievna.

In the 2013-2014 academic year, the Department "Software systems and networks" was renamed tothe Department of "Computer and Software Engineering".

Since August 2016, the Department has been headed by the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Lyazzat Bahitovna Atymtayeva.

Since August 2018, the Department has been headed by the Candidate of Technical Sciences, Yunussov Rassul.

In the 2019 the Department " Computer and Software Engineering" was renamed tothe Department of "Software Engineering".

Since June 2020, the Department is headed by the PhD, Turdalyuly Mussa.

The department is represented by highly qualified teachers and specialists in the field of software development who have close engineering ties with industrial and scientific projects. The goals and objectives of the department are to produce highly qualified specialists and scientists in the field of software development, data analysis and machine learning.

Specialists in these areas are in high demand in the labor market. Department graduates work for major international companies such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Apple and many others. The educational program is constantly being improved in accordance with modern trends, technical and scientific advances in order to meet the market requirements and prepare high-class specialists in these areas who can take their rightful place in the ranks of the pioneers contributing to the rapid development of science and technology.

The Department actively collaborates with the foreign Universities: Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research International, USA; Oxford University, London, UK; University of Applied Sciences, Amberg-Weiden, Germany; University of Applied Sciences, Schmalkalden, Germany; University of Suwon, South Korea; Xinjiang University, Urumqi, China; University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA; University of Aveiro, Portugal; St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg, Russia; Penza State University, Russia; Kazakh-Russian scientific-research complex of engineering and energy saving technologies neosfernyh, Penza, Russia and etc.

Ensuring a high-quality educational process to achieve the competitiveness of graduates of computer specialties of three levels of education "5B070400 - Computing technology and software" (bachelor's degree), "5B060200 - Informatics" (bachelor's degree), "6B06102 - Computer Science" (bachelor's degree), "7М06102 - Machine Learning and Data Science "(magistracy)," 7M06101 - Software Engineering "(magistracy)," 8D06102 - Machine Learning and Data Science "(doctoral) in the global educational space.

The main objectives of the department are:

  • to ensure the competitiveness of graduates of the department in the educational services market of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the global educational space by increasing the level of employment;
  • to ensure an increase in the growth of research activities of the teaching staff of the department in order to integrate education, science and production by increasing the number of publications in refereed journals and conference materials.
  • to integrate into the global educational process by establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with leading Western universities and world vendors in order to conduct joint activities aimed at improving the quality of training for information technology specialists. Create conditions for the preparation and maintenance of contracts for interaction with partner companies (approximately 1-2 per year).

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