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Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"

The history of united departments is a story of collaboration, ambitions, and a striving for the highest standards of academic and professional activity. The Department of Cybersecurity, Information Processing, and Storage has a rich history as it is the merger of two departments: Computer Engineering and Technical Cybernetics.

At the end of 1962, the Faculty of "Automation and Computer Engineering" was established at the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute with departments of automation and telemechanics, computer engineering, radio electronics, and electronic engineering. The Department of "Computer Engineering," now "Cybersecurity, Information Processing, and Storage," trained engineers in the specialty of "Mathematical and Computing Devices and Systems" (MCDS), which was transformed into the specialty of "Electronic Computing Machines" in 1968, and in 1990 into the specialty of "Computing Machines, Complexes, Systems, and Networks."

The first head of the department (1962-1968) was the renowned educator and honored inventor of the Kazakh SSR, Associate Professor L.A. Brichkin. From 1968 to 1971, the department was headed by Associate Professor L.A. Vinokurov, a graduate of the Kharkov Higher Military Aviation Engineering School.

In 1971, the department became part of the newly organized Department of Technical Cybernetics, and in 1975 it was restored under its previous name "Computer Engineering." From 1975 to 1988, the department was led by a Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor S.T. Tynybayev, a graduate of the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering of KazPTI named after V.I. Lenin, and a graduate of the postgraduate study of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. The department developed in the fundamental directions of Computer Engineering and Information Technologies, related to hardware and software in the tasks of automating scientific research and industrial applications. The customers of the works were organizations such as NIITsEV (NPO "Persey," Moscow), Institute of Nuclear Physics (Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR), NGO "Soyuzvuzpribor" (Moscow), Karaganda Metallurgical Combine (Karaganda), and others. The Computer Engineering department was the center for training specialists in computer engineering for the entire Central Asia and Southern Siberia and had the largest contingent of students in the USSR.

In 1983, the dean became Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Zh.S. Sarypbekov. In 1989, at his initiative, a Kazakhstani branch was opened in the specialty "Electronic Computing Machines." In 1993, a new specialty for Kazakhstan was opened - "Information Protection and Security." In 1996, a Kazakhstani branch in the specialty "Information Protection and Security" was opened.

Subsequently, the department trained specialists in the following specialties: "Organization and Technology of Information Security" and "Computer Engineering and Software": (specializations "Information Protection and Security" and "Computer Systems and Networks"). Foreign students are trained in these specialties for countries such as India, Cuba, Jordan, Peru, Pakistan, Mongolia, and Turkey. From 1988 to 2011, the Department of "Computer Engineering" was headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor A.S. Ermakov, a graduate of the KazPTI in 1969 in the specialty of Electronic Computing Machines. New specialties are being opened, and the department's team develops state-compulsory educational standards for specialties such as "Information Protection and Security," "Computer Engineering and Software," and "Information Security Systems."

From 2011 to 2014, the department was headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor G.D. Zhangisina. From September 2014 to 2021, the department was led by a Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor N.A. Seilova. During this period, licenses were obtained for training master's and doctoral students in the field of information security. Educational programs were developed for the bachelor's degree in Information Security, the master's degree in Comprehensive Information Security Provision, and the doctoral program in Information Security Systems.

In 2018, the department was merged with the Department of "Information Technologies," formerly known as "Technical Cybernetics."

The Department of "Technical Cybernetics" was organized in 1971 as a department specializing in automated control systems (ACS) and electronic computing machines (ECM), led by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.A. Ashimov, a graduate of KazPTI named after Lenin, now an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the president of MAEN. Since 1989, the head of the department has been Professor K. Sagyngaliyev. From 1994 to 2012, the department was headed by Professor D.N. Shukaev. At the turn of the century, during D. Shukaev's tenure as the university's vice-rector, the department was headed by its graduate B. Zhumagaliyev, who strengthened the personnel and student body after the difficult nineties.

In the 1980s, the department was considered one of the largest and most well-known departments in the USSR specializing in "Automated Control Systems," and its representative was a member of the methodological council of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR. For 13 years, D.N. Shukaev, the head of this department, chaired the dissertation council of the Ministry of Higher Education for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in three specialties of the automation and control field. Many leaders of various ranks, and prominent scientists, emerged from this department, with over 30 grant and contract research projects completed. Department staff, under the guidance of A. Ashimov, participated in the development of the first ACS at major enterprises of the USSR – UK SCK, ShSZ, BGMC, Aktyubrentgen, and Aktyubselmash, EGRES-2. Subsequently, with the emergence of the specialty "Information Systems" replacing ACS, the department was re-profiled and renamed "Information Technologies." From 2012 to 2018, the department was headed by L. Balgabayeva, followed by N. Saparhozhayev. Educational programs were developed for the bachelor's degree in Information Systems, the master's degree in Management Information Systems, and the doctoral program in Management Information Systems.

Significant contributions to the training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel were made by professors A. Ashimov, K. Asaubayev, E. Aitkhozhaeva, B. Aitchanov, B. Akhmetov, D. Djuruntaev, B. Sagyngaliyev, Zh.S. Sarypbekov, S. Sokolova, U.A. Tukeev, B.D. Khisarov, D.N. Shukaev, and associate professors S.T. Tynybayev, Sh. Djarbolov, B. Zhumagaliyev, E. Ismail, M. Medetov, E. Pshenin, A. Kutsy, B. Tazhibayev, A.Sh. Turym, A.S. Ermakov, N.A. Seilova, E. Kim, and B.B. Tussupova. Under the guidance of these scholars, 11 doctoral dissertations, over 70 candidate dissertations, and several dozen PhD dissertations have been defended.

Currently, the head of the department is a Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor R.Zh. Satybaldiyeva. The department's faculty consists of highly qualified specialists. Professors E.Zh. Aitkhozhaeva, G.Z. Kaziyev, D.N. Shukaev, associate professors B.I. Zhumagaliyev, A.V. Kosnikov, Zh.K. Alimseitova, Kh.I. Yubuzova, B.E. Yagaliyeva, and department instructors contribute to the department's work. The department has trained highly qualified specialists in the field of information technology and information security, heads of educational institutions and research organizations, leaders of national agencies and committees. Graduates of the department successfully work in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and other CIS republics, as well as in distant and near abroad countries such as Canada, the United States (including Silicon Valley), Germany, Israel, India, Cuba, Turkey, etc.

The department actively cooperates with leading universities and research centers in near and distant foreign countries, such as the Pennsylvania State University (USA), City University of Hong Kong (China), TENAGA UNITEN (Malaysia), Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Belarus), etc. Cooperation is carried out with the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kaspersky Lab, companies such as Tochpribor, Falcongaze, Aknur Security, SearchInform, Check Point, Halyk Kazteleport, Galactica, RGP "State Technical Service" (KZ-CERT), "Center for Information Technologies", "National Information Technologies", etc., which are potential employers of the department's graduates.

Academic education is supported by additional certified training in courses offered by the Cisco Networking Academy, Huawei, and Kaspersky Lab. Students actively participate in scientific and innovative activities. Regarding academic mobility, students and master's students study at foreign universities in the USA, Europe (Ukraine, Poland, Italy, France, Germany, Portugal), CIS, and Asia (Korea, Malaysia, China).

At present, the department prepares specialists in two directions: information security and information systems at all levels of education.

The educational program for information security includes the following directions: Security of Systems and Networks; Cryptographic Information Protection; Technical Information Protection; and Blockchain Engineering.

The educational program for information systems includes the following trajectories: DevOps, Business Analytics and IT Project Management, IS Architecture, and Business Application Development.


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