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Practice for students of the Department of Mechanical Engineering

"Almaty Electroshield Plant" — is based on the "Almaty Electromechanical Plant", established in May 1945. The plant began its activity during a difficult period of socio-economic transformations, during the period of economic reform after a deep industrial and financial crisis.

Thanks to the skillful management and well-coordinated work of the company's employees, high quality products, services and timely execution of the order are ensured.

“Almaty Electroshield Plant” LLP has its own production facilities, the total area of which is more than 10,000 sq. m.

The Plant's production equipment allows for the manufacture and installation of metal structures of various levels of complexity, as well as a wide range of metalworking services.


"Almaty Electromechanical Plant" LLP (AEMP) was established in 1959 as a union-wide enterprise. Its products were mainly focused on the needs of the railways of the Ministry of Railways of the USSR.

In 1999, during the implementation of the sectoral program of privatization and restructuring of state ownership in the transport and communication complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the enterprise was reorganized into "Almaty Electromechanical Plant"  (AEMP) and became part of the holding company "Alageum Electric". From that moment, the intensive development of the enterprise began, the issues of equipping it with modern high-tech equipment and providing qualified personnel began to be resolved.

Currently, "AEMP" is one of the leading manufacturers of electrical equipment in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


"S. M. Kirov Machine-Building Plant". The rich history of the enterprise has more than 80 years. "S.M. Kirov Machine-Building Plant" was founded in 1942. We make a significant contribution to the development of the economy of Kazakhstan through the supply of high-quality products for the mining, railway, oil and defense sectors with the provision of highly professional service. We continue to improve. In an effort to be the best, we are changing in accordance with modern business rules.

The tools for creating a high-quality product and safe working conditions, for the fullest satisfaction of the requirements of Consumers and Customers and their expectations, compliance with applicable laws in the field of quality and safety is an integrated management system operating in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001 standards, the continuous improvement of which is the primary task of the Senior management team.


"KazTechInnovations" is a full-cycle production, has its own design bureau and is located on the territory of the "PIT Alatau" SEZ.

Having own design bureau allows us to solve problems related to the development of innovative products.


The company "DOC Co. LTD" was founded on August 9, 2004. The company is the first manufacturer of cartridges in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. All products comply with the specifications of the established state standard.тоо-«doc-co-ltd»


"Lacomative kurastyru zauyty" - Joint Stock Company "Locomotive kurastyru zauyty" was established as part of the implementation of the State Program "Accelerated Industrial and Innovative Development of Kazakhstan"

The only plant in Kazakhstan for the production of diesel locomotives of the new generation of the Evolution series.

About products- today the Joint-Stock Company "Locomotive kurastyru zauyty" produces 3 types of products, these are: Mainline freight locomotive of the TE33AS series, Mainline passenger locomotive of the TEP33A series, Shunting locomotive of the TEM11A series.


"Karlskrona LC AB" is a Machine-Building Company located in Southern Kazakhstan. It is engaged in the development, production, sale, installation and service of pumping, electrical, modular, non-standard equipment, pipeline fittings, castings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys. Specializes in the development of integrated technical solutions in the field of water supply, oil and gas, mining and nuclear energy.


The goals of the industrial practice are to, through the direct participation of the student in the activities of the production (design, research) organization:

  • consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained during classroom classes at the university in the disciplines of the professional cycle in the learning process;
  • acquire and develop professional skills and abilities;
  • to join the social environment of the organization in order to acquire the social and personal competencies necessary to work in a professional environment.

The objectives of the production practice are to familiarize with the professional activities of the enterprise (organization) in which the practice is conducted.

In accordance with the types and objectives of professional activity, practice may consist in: familiarization with the technical characteristics and design of equipment and assessment of its compliance with the modern world level of technology and technology development; study of technical and design documentation and design methods; study of promising methods of equipment maintenance; personal participation in the process of maintenance, measurements and control of basic parameters equipment, interaction of all technical services of the facility, labor protection and safety; preparation of materials for writing a master's thesis, etc.

Practice is a bridge between education and a future career, providing students with the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice and prepare for entry into a professional environment.

Upon completion of the internship, students provide the following documents:

  • Production Practice Report: A detailed review of the tasks, an analysis of the work carried out.
  • Diary: Recording daily activities, impressions and professional observations.
  • Agreement on the Organization and Conduct of Practice: A signed document approving the terms and conditions of the practice.

Upon completion of the internship, the student draws up a report describing the work done, the results achieved and the experience gained.

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