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Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing

The Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing (hereinafter referred to as MMP) was formed in 2016 by combining 2 departments: Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals (founded in 1939) and Metallurgy of Precious Metals and Mineral Processing (founded in 1963).



The historical path of the formation of the Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals (MNFM) begins in 1939 - the year of organization at the metallurgical faculty of two graduating departments:

• Metallurgy of Heavy Non-Ferrous Metals" (MHNFM);

• Electrometallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals and Physical Chemistry (ENFMPC).

The newly organized departments stood at the origins of the development of the metallurgical faculty and trained metallurgical engineers in the specialty "Metallurgy of non-ferrous, noble and rare metals."

At the beginning of the 40s, during the war years and after its end, a base of talented scientists, teachers and researchers was formed at the graduating departments of the metallurgical profile: academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR A.L. Ceft, V.D. Ponomarev; Corresponding Members of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR Kh.K. Avetisyan, V.V. Stender.

The organizer and the first head of the department of MHNFM was the honored worker of science and technology, Dr. Sciences, prof. H.K. Avetisyan (1939 - 1954). Under his leadership, necessary for the production of bullets and shells from sulfide and oxidized ores of Kazakhstan's deposits, effective pyro- and hydrometallurgical methods for the extraction of lead were developed. In the same years, outstanding scientists A.L. Ceft, V.V. Stender, V.D. Ponomarev and S.A. Karamullin worked in the Department. Later, such outstanding scientists I.A. Onaev, G.M. Esirkegenov, V.S. Spitchenko, Zh.S. Sadykov, E.S. Bugenov worked at the Department of MNFM and MLRM. From 2002 to 2016, the department was headed by doctors of technical sciences Zh.A. Alybaev and T.S. Dauletbakov.

The training of specialists in the field of mineral processing has been carried out since 1963 at the Department of Metallurgy of Precious Metals and Mineral Processing (MPMMP) under the leadership of a prominent metallurgist B.N. Lebedev. A great contribution to the development of the department and the training of highly qualified specialists was made by Doctor of Technical Sciences Raivich I.D., Cand. tech. Revazashvili B.I., Avdyukov V.I., Sazhin Yu.G., Kosherbayev K.T., Dosumov Zh.U., Telkov Sh.A., Shautenov M.R. and other members of the department.


International connections

The Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing has extensive international ties. Memorandums with the National Research Technological University «MISIS» and Ural State Mining University (USMU) (Yekaterinburg, Russia), Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University" (Tomsk, Russia). Grant works are carried out jointly with scientists from Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Germany.

Doctoral students, master's students are trained abroad at the Institute of Metalworking of Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Worcester, USA), at the Faculty of Engineering of Suleyman Demirel University (Isparta, Turkey), at the Royal University of Technology (Sweden), at the Rhine-Westphalian Technical University (Germany), Innovation and Technology Management Academy (Czech Republic), at the Silesian University (Katowitz, Poland), in Chemical-Technological and Metallurgical University (Sofia, Bulgaria), Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (Russia), Ural State Mining University (Yekaterinburg, Russia), Tomsk Polytechnic University (Tomsk, Russia), at the B.N. Yeltsin Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia), G.I. Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia).

Under the program "Invited foreign scientist" at the department of "Metallurgy and mineral processing" for the last three years lectures were given by foreign scientists from Indonesia and Austria:


The mission of the department "Metallurgy and mineral processing" is the generation of knowledge and transfer of technologies, training and retraining of personnel capable of ensuring the innovative development of mining and processing plants and metallurgical industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The implementation of this mission is to train competent, socially responsible, highly educated, competitive specialists who possess modern technologies, skills in scientific, pedagogical and research activities, in accordance with the current needs of society. The department of MMP is designed to generate and disseminate new knowledge in the field of mineral processing and metallurgy, to develop and implement advanced technologies in the production process.

The strategy of the Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing is to acquire and maintain the reputation of one of the best educational, methodological, research and consulting center in the field of metallurgy and mineral processing in the country.

The purpose of the department of MMP is to train and release highly-demanded and highly qualified personnel for the mining and metallurgical complex, research and design institutions, colleges and universities, ready to immediately join the production cycle after graduation.

The tasks for achieving the goal are:

1. Training of highly qualified specialists who meet the needs of the labor market;

2. Development of competitive educational programs;

3. Improving the scientific activities of the department, commercializing the results of scientific research and modernizing the infrastructure of scientific and innovative activities.

Activities to achieve direct results:

 - conducting scientific research in the field of metallurgy and mineral processing to create high-tech and science-intensive industries;

 - activation of the teaching staff of the department for the publication of articles in scientific journals with a high impact factor;

- attraction of business structures to funding scientific research, implementation of innovative projects in production;

 - attraction of students, undergraduates and doctoral students to the implementation of research work;

 - passing scientific internships for teaching staff, undergraduates and doctoral students in the framework of joint research, refresher courses;

- formation of a scientific school in the areas of "Metallurgy" and "Mineral Processing", conducting fundamental and applied scientific research;

- modernization of the research process and innovation at the department;

- monitoring and analysis of the needs of employers, satisfaction of graduates with the quality of education received;

- systematic improvement of educational and methodological support of EP;

 - monitoring of the citation of works of the teaching staff of the department in domestic and foreign publications with a summary of the results obtained and identifying a trend for each and every employee personally.

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