12 february 412

Announcement of the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Kenzhaliev Olzhas Bagdauletovich

On February 27, 2024, at 10.00 am, room 406 of the Main academic building, an extended meeting of the department of Management and Mathematical Economics” will be held with a preliminary hearing of the doctoral dissertation of PhD candidate Kenzhaliev Olzhas Bagdauletovich

Topic: “Critical success factors of technology commercialization projects and scientific developments: a study of Kazakhstan’s experience”.

Scientific consultants:

  1. Tsekhovoy Alexey Filippovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
  2. Ilmaliev Zhanserik Bakhytovich - Candidate of Legal Sciences.

Foreign consultant

Mohamad Bruri Triyono  - PhD., Professor University of Negeri Yogyakarta (Indonesia, Yogyakarta).


Satybaldiyeva Dinara Orazovna - Doctor Ph.D., Associate Professor “Department of Management and Mathematical Economics”.

Sultanbekova Zhanat Zhensibayevna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor “Department of Management and Mathematical Economics”.

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