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25 february 252

Announcement of the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Kuspanov Zhengisbek Boranbayuly

On March 4, 2025, at 10:30 am, in 320 of the MMB, an extended meeting of the department will be held with a preliminary hearing of the doctoral dissertation of doctoral student Kuspanov Zhengisbek Boranbayuly.

Topic: " Development and study of Al-doped photocatalyst based on SrTiO3 with dual co-catalysts for efficient water purification and hydrogen production".

Scientific consultants:

1. PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan - Chingis Bayanovich Daulbayev

2. Foreign scientific supervisor: PhD, Associate Professor, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia - Isadykov Aidos Nurlanovich

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