1 june 224

Announcement of the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Raimbekova Ainur

On june 20, 2024, at 10:00, an expanded meeting of the Department of «Chemical processes and industrial ecology» will be held in the lecture-class 147 of the MMB with a preliminary hearing of the doctoral dissertation of Raimbekova Ainur.

Theme: «Preparation and study of the properties of manganese-containing anti-corrosion materials based on technogenic raw materials from Kazakhstan».


Scientific consultants:

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Chemical Processes and Industrial Ecology, Academician of the Academy of Mining Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kapralova Victoria Igorevna

PhD, professor of the Department of Phisical Chemistry, University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Sofia, Bulgaria) Popova Angelina



Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Iskakova Tynyshtyk Kadyrovna.

PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Chemistry, Chemical Technology and Ecology, Almaty Technological University Berkinbaeva Aknur Sabitovna

The pre-defense of the dissertation will take place on June 20, 2024 at 10:00 at the address: Almaty, st. Satpayev 22B, KazNRTU named after. K.I. Satpayev, MMВ, lecture-class 147.

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