12 february 692

Announcement on the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Alashbaeva Nursulu Mukhanbetovny

Announcement of the preliminary defense of the doctoral dissertation of Nursulu Muhanbetovna Alashbaeva

On February 27, 2024, at 10.00 am, room 406 of the Main academic building, an extended meeting of the department of Management and Mathematical Economics” will be held with a preliminary hearing of the doctoral dissertation of PhD candidate Nursulu Muhanbetovna Alashbaeva

Topic: «Application of project management methods for effective management of investment projects for resource development of the company (on the example of JSC NC KTZh)

Scientific consultants:

  1. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Dametken Medikhanovna Turekulova
  2. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Doctor PhD Assoc. Professor Turegeldinova Aliya Zhumabekovna

Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of “System Analysis and Project Management” Siberian State University of Transport and Communications” Bykadorov Sergey Aleksandrovich


Director of the Center for Economic Research Doctor PhD., Associate Professor of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Doszhanova Raigul Dukenbaevna

Zholtayeva Aibarsha - PhD

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