8 june 1688

Extended meeting of the Department of Software Engineering

The Institute of Automation and Information Technology announces that on 06/15/2022 at 15:00 an extended meeting of the Department of Software Engineering will be held.

Department meeting agenda:


1) Pre-defense of the doctoral dissertation of the applicant for the PhD degree Zhumangaliyeva N.K. on the topic " Alsiz kalyptastyrylgan ortadagy akparattyk zhuyelerdin қauіpsіzdіk parametlerin anyktau Adisteri men modelderi "(Methods and models for determining the security parameters of information systems in weakly formalized environments")

specialty 6D070400 "Computer Engineering and Software".

Scientific consultants:

– Korchenko Anna Alexandrovna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology Security, National Aviation University of Ukraine (Kyiv),

– Doszhanova Alia Amantaevna - Academician of MAIN, PhD , Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after G, Director of the Institute of Information Technologies in Almaty , Kazakhstan. Specialty 6D070400.


2) Report on the results of research on the doctoral dissertation of the competitor of MUIT Ibrayeva Zhanar Bazarbekovna , senior lecturer of the department. RET, MUIT.

Topic of dissertation research: "Development of models for network traffic analysis and forecasting"

Scientific consultants:

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Bektemysova Gulnara Umitkulovna , department KIIB, MUIT;

PhD, Associate Professor Abdul Rahim .


3) Report on the results of research on the doctoral dissertation of doctoral student Nazirova Asem

Topic of dissertation research: "Development of an information system for processing gravimetric monitoring data using global optimization methods (on the example of solving a direct problem of gravimetry)"

Scientific consultant: Ph.D. Abdoldina Farida Nauryzbaevna

Foreign scientific consultant: Ph.D. Dubovenko Yuriy Ivanovich (Ukraine)

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