10 august 953

Extended meeting of the Department of Technological Machines and Transport

The Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering announces that on September 15, 2022, at 15:00, an extended meeting of the Department of Technological Machines and Transport will be held, at which a discussion of the dissertation of doctoral students will take place:

1) Pre-defense of the doctoral dissertation of the applicant for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Akanova G.K. on the topic "Improvement of the design of turbomachines with coaxial arrangement of impellers" according to specialty 8D07110 - Digital engineering of machines and equipment.

Scientific consultants:

  • Stolpovskikh I.N. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
  • Sladkovsky A.V. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Poland).

2) Pre-defense of the doctoral dissertation of the applicant for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy PhD Igbayeva A.E. on the topic “Fiber-concrete sorgy corpustaryn zhasaudyn technologyasyn dayyndau zhane zertteu” (Research and development of technology for manufacturing pump casings from fiber-reinforced concrete) according to specialty 8D07110 - Digital engineering of machines and equipment.

Scientific consultants:

  • Elemesov K.K. - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor;
  • Sladkovsky A.V. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor (Poland).
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