12 april 912

External audit of the University - April 2023

From April 19 to 21, 2023, within the framework of specialized accreditation at the University, an external expert commission of the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating (IAAR) will work to assess educational programs for compliance with the standards and criteria for accreditation of IAAR

  1. 6B07306 Engineering systems and networks
  2. 7M07304 Engineering systems and networks
  3. 7M06301 Comprehensive information security
  4. 6B04102 Mathematical economics and data analysis
  5. 6B07304 Geospatial Digital Engineering
  6. 6B11201 Occupational Health and Safety (initial accreditation)
  7. 6B07502 Standardization, certification and Metrology (by industry) (initial accreditation)
  8. 6B11310 Digital logistics (initial accreditation)
  9. 6B04103 Business engineering (initial accreditation)
  10. 6B04104 Startup undergraduate (initial accreditation)
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