28 december 2431

Nazarbayev: KazNTU and KBTU to be merged

Nazarbayev: KazNTU and KBTU to be merged    ASTANA. KAZINFORM - President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev met with Iskander Beysembetov, rector of the Kazakh-British Technical University, the press service of Akorda reported.
    During the meeting the Head of State voiced the decision to merge the Kazakh national research technical university named after K. Satpayev and Kazakh-British Technical University. In addition, he appointed I.Beysembetov rector of the new university.
    Kazakh President set a task to create the largest university-based research center.

Almaty,25 December 2015, KazInform, inform.kz/eng/article/2853969

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