24 november 2440

Bekbossynova Baglan Assylkhanovna

Announcement of the defense of a doctoral dissertation

At the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev will defend his doctoral dissertation Bekbossynova Baglan Assylkhanovna on the topic: “ Development of an effective structure of a continuous screw joint for compressing long press products” in the educational program 6D071200 - mechanical engineering.

The work was carried out at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpaev and presented in the form of a dissertation. The defense will be held in Kazakh.

Scientific consultants:

1. Issametova Madina Esdauletovna - candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of "Technological Engineering" of the Kazakh National Technical Research University named after I.Satbayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan;

2. Dyja Henrik – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at Czestochowa University, Poland.

Official reviewers:

1. Bektibay Birzhan Zhasarbekovich-candidate of technical sciences, Department of "Thermal Physics and Technical Physics", KazNU after Al-Farabi.  Almaty

2. Eskulov Serikzhan Sagatovich - candidate of technical sciences, general director of "Kazatomprom" KEJSC "Kazakhstan Nuclear University" LLP, associate professor.

Composition of temporary members of the Dissertation Council:

1 Mukanov Ruslan Batyrbekuly - PhD, dean of the Faculty of Engineering of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraygyrov (Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan);

2 Kasenov Asylbek Zhumabekuly - associate professor of the department. "Machinery and standardization", Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraygyrov (Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan);

3 Zhunisbekov Polatbek Zhamalovich – Doctor of technical sciences, Professor, Department of "Machine of use" (Almaty Republic of Kazakhstan)

4 Sembaev Nurbolat Sakenuly - M.Sc., docent, head. cafe "Transportation technology and logistics", Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraygyrov (Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan);

5 Rakhmatulina Ayaulym Bagdatovna - PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Automation and Robotics of ATU (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan)

6 Ibrahimova Zaure Asilbekovna – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of "Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering" of the M. Auezov SKU (Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan);

The defense will take place on Deсember,27, 2022, at 3.00 p.m. in the NSC «Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev» at the address: 050013, Almaty, Satpayev str., 22, IMS, room 105, as well as a link to the online format on the Microsoft Teams platform.

Address: www.satbayev.university.  E-mail: Bekbossynova_bagl@mail.ru

Link for online participating: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:g6AUupp1IWofxuL00JJJpW5jNsaM7Wk1HeuuhD1cQoA1@thread.tacv2/1669356145157?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%2249cc33db-453b-4ada-aaee-63c5dcd64f9c%22,%22Oid%22:%22b5aa2848-7d4c-4254-8b29-40158cca3ac4%22%7D

Scientific secretary: доктор PhD Baskanbayeva D.D.,

e-mail: d.baskanbayeva@satbayev.university , tel.: +7 (777) 499 40 03



Video of the dissertation council meeting: https://youtu.be/us-hAUD7cfQ


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