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27 january 787

Demeubayeva Nurikamal Serikkyzy

Announcement of PhD Dissertation Defense


At Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, a PhD dissertation defense will be held for Demeubayeva Nurikamal Serikkyzy on the topic "Innovative technologies for the extraction of the sulfur compounds and non-ferrous metals from heavy hydrocarbon raw materials using a new generation of energy accumulating substances" in the EP 8D07107 – “Chemical Engineering of Hydrocarbon Compounds”

 This work was carried out at the Department of "Chemical and Biochemical Engineering" of Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev and is presented in the form of a dissertation


The defense will be held in the Russian language.


Scientific advisors:

  1. Boiko Galina IlyasovnaDoctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the Department of "Chemical and Biochemical Engineering" at Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
  2. Hervé MuhrPhD, Associate Professor, Research Director EMMAD - "Product Engineering", University of Lorraine, Nancy, France.


Temporary members of the Dissertation Council on the topic of Demeubayeva N.S.:

1. Aknazarov Sestager Khussainovich – Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Acting Professor of the Department of "Chemical Physics and Materials Science" at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Hirsch index (h-index) - 4, has more than 7 scientific publications in the field of the EP 8D07107 – “Chemical Engineering of Hydrocarbon Compounds” with a CiteScore above 35 (Scopus);

2. Kondaurov Ruslan Gennadyevich – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of "Biochemical Engineering" at the International University of Engineering and Technology, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Hirsch index (h-index) - 5, has more than 3 scientific publications in the field of the EP 8D07107 – “Chemical Engineering of Hydrocarbon Compounds” with a CiteScore above 35 (Scopus);

3. Kadirbekov Kairat Adyrbekovich – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, First Deputy General Director of "Chemistry of Oil and Petrochemical Synthesis" JSC Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B.Bekturov. Hirsch index (h-index) - 4, has more than 2 scientific publications in the field of the EP 8D07107 – “Chemical Engineering of Hydrocarbon Compounds” with a CiteScore above 35 (Scopus);



  1. Aubakirov Yermek AitkazynovichDoctor of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Department of "Physical Chemistry, Catalysis, and Petrochemistry" at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Hirsch index (h-index) – 10, has more than 10 scientific publications in the field of the EP 8D07107 – “Chemical Engineering of Hydrocarbon Compounds” with a CiteScore above 35 (Scopus);
  2. Abilmagzhanov Arlan ZaynutallayevichCandidate of Chemical Sciences, First Deputy General Director of D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Fuel, Catalysis, and Electrochemistry JSC, Almaty, Kazakhstan. Hirsch index (h-index) – 5, has more than 4 scientific publications in the field of the EP 8D07107 – “Chemical Engineering of Hydrocarbon Compounds” with a CiteScore above 35 (Scopus);


The defence will be held on February 27, 2025, at 14-00 in KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev at the address: 22 Satbayev str, Almaty, Oil Building 316 room.

Link to MS Teams meeting:




Scientific Secretary: PhD, Islam Sholpan Saparbaykyzy,


Video of the dissertation council meeting:

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