12 october 2394

Issayeva Irina

The decision of the dissertation council for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


     The dissertation council on 6D071200 – «Mechanical Engineering» and 6D071600 – «Instrument Engineering» according to Protocol №3 dated November 13, 2020 “On awarding the degree of Ph.D.” made the following decision: to award the degree of PhD in the specialty 6D071200 – «Mechanical Engineering» Issayeva Irina Nikolaevna.


Announcement of the defense of the doctoral dissertation


At the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satbayev there will take place the defense of the dissertation on competition the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Irina Issayeva on the theme: "Research of technological methods for improving the quality of manufacturing heavy – duty gear drives for ball mills" in specialty 6D071200 - «Machine Engineering».

The dissertation work was performed at the KazakhNationalResearchTechnicalUniversity named after K. I. Satbayev, Department "Standardization, Certification and Technology of Machine Engineering".


The defense will be held in Russian.


Scientific consultants:

1. VitaliyPovetkin – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the KazakhNationalResearchTechnicalUniversity named after K. I. Satbayev, Almaty, Kazakhstan;

2. VladislavDorofeev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Central Institute of Aviation Engine Building named after P. I. Baranov, Moscow, Russia.



1. SabiyUsupov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department "Mechanization and Automation of Production Processes", Almaty Technological University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2. Olga Sushkova – Candidate of Technical Sciences, «D-Auto Group» LLP, Almaty, Kazakhstan.


The defense will be held on November 13, 2020, at 15:00  in the Dissertation Council in specialties 6D071200 – "Machine Engineering" and 6D071600 – "Instrument", in KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev on address: Almaty, Satbayev street, 22, building "Institute of Machine Engineering", 206.


Website address: www.kaznitu.kz, e-mail: marira06@mail.ru


Scientific Secretary: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, M. K. Вaktybayev,

e-mail: murat.baktybayev@gmail.com, phone: 8 777 292 52 44, 257-73-59

Video recording of the meeting of dissertation council:https://youtu.be/XlA_hai9QcU


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