3 april 3645


K.I.Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University will hold the defense of the doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD of Jakupov Daniyar Amirkhanovich, on the topic of: "Improving the efficiency of various in-situ leaching well patterns for complex hydrogenous deposits development" in the specialty 6D070700 - “Mining ".


The dissertation was performed at the Department of Mining of the K.I. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University.


Defenses will be held in Russian.


Scientific Consultants:
1. Yusupov Khalidilla Abenovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of  K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University.
2. Aliev Samat Bikitaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Department of Management Problems of the Development and Preservation of the Earth's Subsoil, Institute for the Problems of Integrated Development of the Subsoil of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after academician N.V. Melnikov.

1. Muzgina Vera Sergeevna - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, VIST Asia, LLP, expert in mining, researcher.
2. Bagasharova Zhenisgul Telmanovna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Department of the Chief Scientific Secretary of RSE “NC KPMS RK”

The defense will be held on May 17, 2019, at 14:30 in the dissertation council for the following specialties: 6D070700 - “Mining”, 6D071100 - “Geodesy”, K.I. Satbayev Kazakh National Research Technical University; Satpayev street, 22, building "Mining and Metallurgical Institute", 244 aud.

Website address: www.kaznitu.kz, e-mail: DD_757@mail.ru.

Scientific secretary: Doctor of Philosophy, Head of KazNRTU Department Imansakipova B.B.,  e-mail: imansakipova@mail.ru, tel. +7 (777) 8072746.

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