22 may 1656

Jetpisbayeva Ainur

About the defense of doctoral thesis


Defense of doctoral dissertation of Jetpisbaeva Ainur Zhenisbekyzy on "Fine-grained self-compacting concrete with complex chemical admixture" in the specialty 8D07305 - "Construction and production of building materials and structures" will be held in Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpaev.

Work is executed in the Kazakh National Research University named after K.I.Satpaev and submitted in the form of dissertation work. The defense will be held in the Kazakh language.


Scientific advisors:

1. Akmalaiuly Kenzhebek - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of "Construction and Building Materials" chair, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Kim Kwang-Dong - PhD, Vice-President of Hasong Conctruction CO LTD. Seoul, Korea.



1. Sartaev Daulet Tursovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, has 4 scientific publications in the specialty 8D07305 - "Construction and production of building materials and structures

2. Orynbekov Erzhan Serikovich - candidate of Technical Sciences, 6 scientific publications on specialty 8D07305 - "Construction and Production of Building Materials and Constructions


Temporary members of the Dissertation Council on the topic of Jetpisbayeva A.Zh:

1. Sarsenbek Aliakbarovich Montaev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Industrial Technology Institute of West Kazakhstan Agrarian Technical University ZKATU named after Zhangir Khan. Have more than 21 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore of 35 in the specialty 8D07305 - "Construction and production of building materials and structures.

2. Yestemessov Zaitkali Airanbayevich - PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of Central Laboratory of Building Materials and Products, has more than 8 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35 on specialty 8D07305 - "Construction and Production of Building Materials and Constructions".

3. Sarsenbayev Bakytzhan Kudaibergenovich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of Scientific-research Institute of "Building materials, construction and architecture" at M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, has more than 14 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35 on the specialty 8D07305 - "Construction and production of building materials and structures.

 4. Aruova Lyazzat - PhD in Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of "Industrial and Civil Engineering" Non-commercial Stock Company "Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumilev", has more than 12 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35 in the specialty 8D07305 - "Construction and Production of Building Materials and Constructions".

5. Saken Uderbayev - Saken Uderbayev - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at "Construction" Kyzylorda National University named after Korkyt Ata, has more than 9 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35 on the specialty 8D07305 - "Construction and production of building materials and structures".

6. Rakhimova Galiya Mukhamedievna - PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, NAO Karaganda Technical University, Department "Construction materials and technologies", there are more than 4 scientific publications in (Scopus) CiteScore above 35 in the specialty 8D07305 - "Construction and production of building materials and structures.



The defence will be held on June 21, 2023, at 15-00 hours in Satpayev KazNRTU at the address: 22 Satpayev str, Almaty, Oil Building 316 room.

Link to MS Teams meeting: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aZ_EwLZfu9R8Cunxdpid7so6Wv9r-AXzhfge8KNJBOZg1%40thread.tacv2/1684471744853?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2249cc33db-453b-4ada-aaee-63c5dcd64f9c%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a08eed91-1c1f-4ee3-a5e7-13ef8f7d017a%22%7d

Website: https://official.satbayev.university/en/protection, e-mail: jetpisbayeva.ainur@gmail.com

Scientific Secretary: Prof. K. Akmalaiuly e-mail: kakmalaev@mail.ru,тел: +7 (701) 759 81 54


Video recording of the meeting https://youtu.be/FT_mmUUbDqM

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