Kembayev Maxat Kenzhebekuly
Scientific supervisors:
1. Issayeva L. D. – doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, professor;
2. Ewa Slaby – doctor of natural sciences in geology, professor of Institute of Geological Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland).
1. Rakishev B.M. - doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, head of the group of regional metallogeny LLP "Institute of Geological Sciences named after K.I. Satpayev " (Code of specialty: 25.00.11, 25.00.09);
2. Tleulina K.A. - candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, chief geologist LLP "Extractive Enterprise "Ortalyk" (Code of specialty: 25.00.11).
The defense will be held on the 30th of June 2017 at 11:30 at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev: 050013, Almaty, Satpayev str. 22, The main educational building, audience 531.
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