27 november 1231

Omarov Berik Amankeldyevish

About doctoral dissertation defense


At the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.l. Satpayev will be held the defense of the doctoral dissertation to obtain the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the doctoral candidate Omarov Berik Amankeldyevish on the thesis title «Development of production technology and research of physico-mechanical, operational properties of ceramic paving stones based on clay rocks of Southern Kazakhstan» on educational program 8D07340 – «Production of building materials, products and structures».

The dissertation work was performed at the Department of "Building Materials and Expertise in Construction" of M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University.

Language of defense: Kazakh


Scientific supervisors:

1. Montaev Sarsenbek Aliakbarovich-doctor of technical sciences, professor of the West Kazakhstan Agricultural and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan, director of the industrial and Technical Institute.

2. Ristavletov Raimberdi Amanovich - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, head of the Center for additional education.

3. Ryazanov Alexander Nikolaevich-candidate of technical sciences, professor of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Russia,Republic of Bashkortostan.


1. Rakhimova Galiya Mukhamedievna – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of "Building Materials and Technologies", Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University, she has more than 7 scientific publications on the educational program of the doctoral student 8D07340 – "Production of building materials, products and structures".

2. Zhuginisov Maratbek Turabayuly- doctor of technical sciences, professor of theKazakh National Research  Technical University named after K.l. Satpayev, he has more than 5 scientific publications on the educational program of the doctoral student 8D07340 – "Production of building materials, products and structures".


The defense will be held on 12thof January, 2024 at 15:00 p.m. at the Kazakh National Research  Technical University named after K.l. Satpayev at the address: 050013, Almaty, Satpayev, 22, Oil building, 3rd floor, room No.316 NK.


Temporary composition of the members of the Dissertation Council on the topic of the dissertation OmarovB. A.: 

1. Orynbekov Yelzhan Serikovich – candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor, International Educational Corporation, Almaty city, he has more than 4 scientific publications on the educational program of the doctoral student 8D07340 – "Production of building materials, products and structures";

2. Aruova Lyazat Boranbaevna - Doctor of Technical Sciences, professorL. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana city, she has more than 12 scientific publications on the educational program of the doctoral student 8D07340 – "Production of building materials, products and structures";

3. Karshyga Galymzhan Orynbasaruly - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, city of Kyzylorda, he has more than 9 scientific publications on the educational program of the doctoral student 8D07340 – "Production of building materials, products and structures";

4. Imanov Marat Omirbekovich - candidate of technical sciences,Associate Professor, Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University,city of Karaganda, he has more than 4 scientific publications on the educational program of the doctoral student 8D07340 – "Production of building materials, products and structures";

5. Narmanova Roza Abdibekovna - candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, city of Kyzylorda, she has more than 8 scientific publications on the educational program of the doctoral student 8D07340 – "Production of building materials, products and structures";

6. Estemesov Zatkali Ayranbaevich- doctor of technical sciences, professor,Head of JSC TselSim - Central Laboratory of Certification Tests of Building Materials, Almaty city, he has more than 9 scientific publications on the educational program of the doctoral student 8D07340 – "Production of building materials, products and structures".


Link to participate in the online format by appointment:




e-mail: omrbe@mail.ru


Video recording of the meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neUinT_C_T8

Ученый секретарь: Doctor of Technical Sciences, professorАkmalaiuly Kenzhebek,  e-mail: k.akmalaiuly@satbayev.university, phone: 87017598154.

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