24 november 698

Saulesh Minazhova

Announcement of doctoral dissertation defense

At the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev the defense of doctoral thesis by Saulesh Minazhova will be held. The doctoral thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in specialty 6D071800 – Electrical Power Engineering on the topic “Principles of an integrated approach to increasing the efficiency of renewable energy complexes of autonomous power supply”.


The thesis was completed at the Power Engineering Department, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev.


Defense will be held in Russian language.


Scientific consultants:

1. Amangeldy Bekbayev – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at Power Engineering Department, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev.

2. Michael Kurrat – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at Braunschweig University (Germany).



1. Nurgul Almuratova - PhD, Associate Professor at Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources Department, Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after G. Daukeev. She has more than 5 scientific publications in the field of doctoral student’s specialty: 6D071800 – Electrical Power Engineering.

2. Yerbol Yerbayev – PhD, Associate Professor at Electrical Engineering and Automation Department, West Kazakhstan Agricultural-Technical University named after Zhangir Khan. He has more than 5 scientific publications in the field of doctoral student’s specialty: 6D071800 – Electrical Power Engineering.


Temporary members of the Dissertation Council:

1. Darkhan Akpanbetov – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Industrial Practice, International University of Engineering and Technology. He has 2 scientific publications (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of doctoral student 6D071800 - Electrical power engineering.

2. Seitzhan Orynbayev – PhD, Associate Professor at Electric Power Engineering Department, Vice-Rector for Science and Digitalization at Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh.Dulaty. He has more 12 scientific publications (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of doctoral student 6D071800 - Electric Power Engineering.

3. Vasily Titkov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Electrical Power Engineering and High Voltage Department at St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. He has more than 30 scientific publications (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of doctoral student 6D071800 - Electric Power Engineering.

4. Berik Mirzabayev – PhD, senior lecturer at Automation, Telecommunications and Control Department, South Kazakhstan University named after M.Auezov. He has 2 scientific publications (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of doctoral student 6D071800 – Electrical power engineering.

5. Yernar Amitov – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Electric Power Engineering Department at Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications named after G. Daukeev. He has 9 scientific publications (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of doctoral student 6D071800 – Electrical power engineering.



Defense of doctoral thesis by Saulesh Minazhova will take place on December 27, 2023, at 15-00. Offline at the address: 050013, Almaty, Satpayeva, 22в, KazNRTU named after K.I. Satbayev, Building of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, room 105. Online on the Microsoft Teams platform. Link to online participation:




e-mail: s.minazhova@gmail.com

Scientific secretary: Zhumatova A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences

e-mail: a.zhumatova@satbayev.university, phone: +7 (701) 918 58 44



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