24 january 1166

Tazhiev Sultan

Announcement of doctoral dissertation defense


At the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev the defense of the dissertation for a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Sultan Tazhiev on the topic “Groundwater resources of the Kazakhstan part of the foothills of the Kyrgyz Alatau: formation, condition and prospects for use” in specialty 6D075500 - Hydrogeology and Engineering geology will take place.

The dissertation work was completed at the department of “Hydrogeology, engineering and oil and gas geology” of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev. The language of defense is Russian.


Scientific consultants:

1. Murtazin Ermek Zhamshitovich – Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Hydrogeology and Geoecology named after U.M. Ahmedsafin."

2. Khaustov Alexander Petrovich – Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Applied Ecology of the Ecological Faculty of the Russian People's Friendship University (Russian Federation), Academician of the Russian Ecological Academy.



  1. Shakibaev Ilan Isataevich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy Head of the Zonal hydrogeological reclamation center of Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specialty 6D075500 – Hydrogeology and engineering geology;
  2. Pavlichenko Lyudmila Mikhailovna – Doctor of Geographical Sciences (Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty - hydrogeology), Professor, Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management KazNU named after. Al-Farabi, specialty 6D075500 – Hydrogeology and engineering geology. 

Temporary composition of members of the Dissertation Council on the topic of dissertation of  Tazhiev (protocol No. 1 of January 19, 2024):

  1. Alma Anarbekovna Bekbotaeva – PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Geological Surveys, Search and Exploration of Mineral Deposits, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business named after. K. Turysov; specialty 6D070600 – Geology and exploration of mineral deposits.
  2. Burakov Mikhail Maksimovich – candidate of geological and mineral sciences, head of the groundwater exploration department, Hydrogeoecological research, production and design company “KazGIDEK”, specialty 6D075500 – Hydrogeology and engineering geology;
  3. Zakharova Nona Maksimovna– Ph.D. Sc., Zonal hydrogeological reclamation center of Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specialty 6D075500 – Hydrogeology and engineering geology;
  4. Zapparov Medetkhan Rasilkhanovich – Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor of the Department of Hydrogeology, Engineering and Oil and Gas Geology, Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business named after. K. Turysov, specialty 6D075500 – Hydrogeology and engineering geology;
  5. Kalitov Dulat Kashkenovich – candidate of geological and mineral sciences, director of GEOTERM LLP, specialty 6D075500 – Hydrogeology and engineering geology;
  6. Togizov Kuanysh Serikhanovich – PhD, Professor of the Department of Geophysics and Seismology, Institute of Geology and Petroleum Science named after. K. Turysov, specialty 6D070600 – Geology and exploration of mineral deposits.


The defense will take place on February 23, 2024, at 14-00 at the Institute of Hydrogeology and Geoecology named after U.M. Ahmedsafin.

Address: st. Kabanbay batyr corner of Sh.Valikhanov street, 69/94.

Link to participate in the online format by appointment:


Website: https://official.satbayev.university/ru/protection

Scientific secretary: candidate of technical sciences, Auelkhan E.S.,

e-mail: y.auyelkhan@satbayev.university, Tel.: +7 (707) 8290161



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