19 november 2686

Yakunin Kirill

About the defense of doctoral thesis

Defense of doctoral thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree of Yakunin Kirill on the topic «Development of models and methods for collection, analysis and classification of media-publications based on natural language processing methods» on specialty 6D070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering will take place in Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev.

The work was performed in “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev” NJSC and presented in the form of a dissertation work. The defense will be held in Russian.


1. Muhamedyev Ravil Ilgizovish – Doctor of Engeineering Sciences, Professor at « Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev», Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2. Barakhnin Vladimir Borisovhich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor at Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.


1. Baikonurov Erden Galymovich – Doctor PhD, Head of the Center for Science and Innovation of the Zhezkazgan University named after O. A. Baikonurov, there are 5 scientific publications in the specialty 6D070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering.

2. Berdikulova Feruza Asanovna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the research and development of the Republican State Enterprise "Center for Complex Processing of Mineral Raw Materials of the Republic of Kazakhstan" there are 5 scientific publications in the specialty 6D070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering.

The temporary composition under the topic of Kirill Yakunin dissertation:

1. Zaitseva Elena - PhD, Professor at University of Žilina, Slovakia, has more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of Doctoral Candidate 6D070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering.

2. Levashenko Vitaliy - PhD, Professor of the Department of Informatics of University of Žilina, Slovakia, has more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of Doctoral Candidate 6D070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering.

3. Utegenova Anar Urantaevna - PhD, Professor at Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, has more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of Doctoral Candidate 6D070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering.

4. Shayakhmetova Asem Serikbayevna - Phd, Associated Professor at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, has more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of Doctoral Candidate 6D070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering.

5. Seilova Nurgul Abadullaevna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Cybersecurity of International Information Technology University, has more than 2 scientific publications in (Scopus) with CiteScore above 35 in the specialty of Doctoral Candidate 6D070400 - Computer Science and Software Engineering.

The defense will take place on December 21, 2021 at 04:00 pm at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, address: 050013, Almaty, Satbayev str. 22, Main Corpus (ГУК) room 707.

Link to join online

e-mail: Yakunin.k@mail.ru

Scientific Secretary: PhD Mussa Turdalyuly, e-mail: m.turdalyuly@gmail.com,  tel.: +7 (778) 835 99 99

Video recording of the meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wB4VcgPLgSc

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