31 may 1778

Yesserkegenova Bekzat Zhambylkyzy

Announcement of the defense of a doctoral dissertation


At the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev will defend his doctoral dissertation Yesserkegenova  Bekzat Zhambylkyzy on the topic: "Development of an automatic control system for bituminous crushed stone distribution with synchronous distribution of components" in the educational program 8D07102 - Mechanical engineering.

The work was carried out in the Non-profit Joint-stock Company of D.Serikbayev EKTU and is presented in the form of a dissertation work.

The defense will take place in Kazakh.


Scientific consultants:


1. Kadyrov Zhannat Nurgalievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Director of Kadyrov and Partners LLP ;

2. Baskanbayeva Dinara Zhumabaevna, PhD, Deputy.Director of the Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Satbaev University;

3. Kim Alina Igorevna, PhD, Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodological Work of Miras University,

4. Marek Mlynczak, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Wroclaw Polytechnic University (Wroclaw, Poland).


Official reviewers:

  1. Turdaliyev Auezkhan Turdalievich - doctor of technical sciences, professor of the Kazakh University of Communications (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan);
  2. Musina Zhanara Kereyovna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of "Mechanical Engineering and Standardization", NAO "Toraighyrov University", (Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan).


Composition of temporary members of the Dissertation Council:


1. Alshynova Ayman Medubekovna-PhD, Associate Professor Department "Machinery and machinery of production processes", Almaty Technological University (Almaty Republic of Kazakhstan);

2.Smailova Gulbarshyn Abylkasymovna – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of energy and mechanical engineering, Satbaev university, (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan);

3. Kurmangalieva Lyazzat Amanovna – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, Eurasian Technological University (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) ;

4. Nurguzhin Marat Rakhmalievich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the Board of JSC "National Center for Space Research and Technology"

5. Bortebaev Sayyn Abilkhanovich – candidate of technical sciences, Head of the Department "Technological Machines and Transport" of the Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,  Satbaev university, (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan), ;

6.  Sembayev Nurbolat Sakenovich-candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Transport Engineering and logistics, NAO " Toraigyrov University " (Pavlodar, Republic of Kazakhstan).


The defense will take place on June 27, 2023 at 15:00 at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev at the address: 050013, Almaty, Satpayev, 22, building IMS, room105, as well as a link to the online format on the Microsoft Teams platform.

Address: www.satbayev.university.  E-mail: nomad.i.m.13@mail.ru

Link for online participating:



Scientific secretary: доктор PhD Baskanbayeva D.D.,

           e-mail: d.baskanbayeva@satbayev.university , tel.: +7 (777) 499 40 03

Video recording of the meeting:  https://youtu.be/n1Kt5xLD_9Y

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