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AP08956794 "Study of physical and mechanical properties of damping alloys with nanostructured coating for critical parts of road transport"

Project GF MES RK for 2020-2021 (12 months)

IRN № AP08956794


The damping properties of metal materials provide effective damping of vibrations in the metal structure, and this guarantees an increase in reliability, a decrease in sound radiation and vibration radiation. To obtain new alloys with enhanced damping properties, an analytical review of domestic and foreign experience in improving the properties of metallic materials will be carried out, physical modeling will be carried out, and mathematical statistics will also be applied.  

Objective of the project

The aim of the work is to develop new alloys with a nanostructured coating that have improved damping properties, the use of which will increase reliability, reduce generated noise and vibration.

Expected and achieved results:

Rational parameters and composition of alloying elements; new alloys with a nanostructured coating, which have improved damping properties and sufficient strength characteristics; effective sound absorbing alloys.           

The scientific novelty of the work lies in determining the optimal content of alloying elements of steels (manganese (0.50-0.53%), chromium (0.65%), nickel (0.7-1.0%), cerium (0.08% ), the rest is iron) for the smelting of new alloys that provide absorption of sound and vibration vibrations and noise reduction from collisions, as well as in establishing the level of noise reduction (by 7-9 dBA) of mechanical origin after applying a nanostructured coating in layers of 30 nm, with a total thickness 2 µm. Based on the results of the work, 2 articles are in print, including 1 article in a journal included in Scopus and 1 article in a journal included in the COXON list. 1 article published in a Scopus journal (percentile -40). 1 application for a patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been submitted.

Names and surnames of the study group members with their identifiers:

  • Burshukova Gulziya Adilbekovna - Project Manager
  • Kanazhanov Ardak Eskandirovich - Chief Researcher
  • Darkhanova Aliya Asanovna - Leading Researcher

List of publications:

  1. «Analysis of the use of damping alloys to improve vibroacoustic and strength characteristics in the automotive industry», процентиль – 50. В печати
  2. «Study of vibration properties of ceramic-metal nanostructural tin-cu coatings with different copper content 7 and 14 at. % on chromium-nickel-vanadium steels» в журнале «News of NAS RK. Series of geology and technical sciences», №5(2021), P. 6-13. Q3, процентиль – 40
  3. «Razrabotka splavov s povy`shenny`mi dempfiruyushhimi svojstvami  dlya otvetstvenny`kh detalej» zhurnale «Vestnik KazNITU» (seriya metallurgiya). V pechati.
  4. Zayavka na patent «Splav s povy`shenny`mi dempfiruyushhimi svojstvami i s nanostrukturny`m pokry`tiem»
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