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28 october 391

АР22684027 «Development and research of innovative technology and technique for increasing energy efficiency of technological machines with heavy rotor in starting modes»

Project goal - Increase of energy efficiency, resource and reliability of drives of industrial rotor equipment by optimisation of starting modes.

Relevance of the project: A significant number of technological machines with a heavy rotor, such as ore-grinding ball mills, are operated at enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex. Due to their large inertial mass, the most unfavorable operating modes are the starting modes, during which there is a multiple excess of loads on the starting devices, and this reduces their service life and leads to frequent failures.  The relevance of research in this area consists in optimizing the starting modes of ore-grinding ball mills and using original auxiliary devices with high torque, which will significantly reduce the load on the main standard drive units of heavy rotary equipment in starting modes.

Scientific supervisor: Senior lecturer, Yerzhan Yergalievich Sarybaev

The quantitative and qualitative composition of the project executors: 1 scientific consultant (Candidate of Technical SciencesSciences, Associate Professor, Hirsch Index – 2).

The results obtained: the beginning of the project is 2024.

Implementation dates: 2024-2026.

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