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26 april 813

Assessment of operational reserves of drainage waters of the Aktogay copper-porphyry deposit in the Ayagoz district of the East Kazakhstan region

Project objective: The program of scientific research (R&D) was developed by Kaz Minerals Aktogay LLP in order to assess the operational reserves of drainage waters of the Aktogay copper-porphyry deposit in the Ayaguz district of East Kazakhstan region.

Relevance: The need for research was justified by the requirements of paragraph 5 of Article 89 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Subsoil and Subsoil Use" (which is valid for the period of drawing up the Work Program), according to which "the reserves of the groundwater site are subject to state expertise conducted by the state Commission for the examination of subsoil. The positive conclusion of the state expertise of groundwater reserves is the basis for placing these reserves on the state register of groundwater in accordance with the water legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan." In addition, due to adjustments to the "Aktogay field industrial development project" and changes in the field development period, it became necessary to re-evaluate water flows into the quarry.

Scientific supervisor: Zavaley V.A. Candidate of Geological Sciences

Composition: 1 Candidate of Technical Sciences PhD, 2 PhD, 2 PhD doctoral students

The result obtained: Work has been carried out to assess the operational reserves of drainage waters in accordance with the Work Program and the Technical Specification of their implementation.

Period: 2019-2020 yy

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