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26 april 758

Development of design and estimate documentation for prospecting and exploration works to provide groundwater reserves for 13 villages of Turkestan, Zhabmyl and Almaty regions

Project objective:  to carry out prospecting and exploration work to provide groundwater reserves for 13 villages of the Turkestan region

Relevance: To fulfill the tasks set out in the strategy "Kazakhstan-2030", to provide the population with clean drinking water for the water supply of rural settlements, within the framework of the Republican subprogram "081- Organization and conduct of prospecting and exploration works for groundwater for household and drinking water supply of settlements".

Scientific supervisor: Candidate of Technical Sciences Assoc. prof. Auelkhan E.S.

Expected result: The implementation of the presented project will provide the above-mentioned settlements with groundwater reserves and assess groundwater reserves in category C1.

Period: 2022-2023 yy

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