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26 april 765

Tectonic and geodynamic analysis of Paleozoic – Proterozoic deposits of the Akshabulak deposit

Project objective: is to analyze the prospects for the oil and gas content of Paleozoic deposits in the Akshabulak deposit area of the South Torgai depression based on the reconstruction of the geological, geodynamic, sedimentological model of the development of PZ-PR deposits, taking into account biostratigraphic, paleotectonic and microthermal core studies.

To achieve the purpose of the study, the following tasks were solved:

1. Determination of the sedimentological conditions of the formation of Paleozoic deposits in the Akshabulak deposit area.

2. Regional study of the PZ-PR tectonic-geodynamic model of the South Torgai basin to determine the approximate lithology and age of rocks.

3. Biostratigraphic determination of the age of the studied rocks.

4. Microthermometric study of gas-liquid inclusions in rock crystals to determine the paleothermal regime of the formation of the South Torgai depression.

Scientific supervisor: PhD Doctor, Professor T.A. Yensepbaev.

Period: 02.01.2020 – 12.31.2020 yy

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