Dana Utebayeva
Master of Technical Sciences, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies
Email: d.utebayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
In 2012, Dana Utebayeva Zh. graduated from the Almaty University of Power Engineering and Communications with a degree in "5B071900 - Radio Engineering, Electronics, and Telecommunications". In 2014, Utebaeva D.Zh. had graduated with a master's degree from the International University of Information Technologies in the specialty "6M070500 - Mathematical and Computer Modeling". In 2017, Utebayeva D.Zh entered the KazNRTU named after. KI Satpaeva Ph.D. in the specialty "6D071900-Radio engineering, electronics, and telecommunications" and in 2020 successfully completed the theoretical course of doctoral studies, fulfilling the requirements of curricula and programs.
In 2014, Utebaeva D.Zh. interned at Brunel University, London, UK. In 2017, she had completed an advanced training course "Advanced Telecommunication Systems" under the ITEC program in Bangalore, India.
From 2014 to 2015, Utebayeva D. Zh. worked as an assistant of the department "Automatic telecommunication" of the Almaty University of Energy and Communications. In 2016-2017, Utebaeva D.Zh. worked as an assistant at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications at KazNRTU named after K.I.Satpayev. In 2018, Utebaeva D.Zh. started working at Suleiman Demirel University as a senior lecturer in the Department of Computer Science. On July 1, 2020, she began working at Satbayev University as a senior lecturer at the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Space Technologies.
From 5.02 to 31.07 2019, Utebayeva D.Zh had a foreign research internship at the Embry-Riddle Aeronautics University in Prescott, Arizona, USA.
From 1.08.2019 to 31.08.2020, Utebayeva D.Zh. worked as a research assistant (RA) at the Korean Students' Square laboratory at Purdue University (West Lafayette, Indiana, USA) with the status of Visiting Scholar. During working in the laboratory, she taught the course “Introduction to Audio Processing and Speech Recognition” for IITP program students.
Utebaeva D.Zh. is engaged in scientific research in the field of sound recognition and machine learning. The topic of scientific research Utebayeva D.Zh. is "Research on acoustic data recognition for effective UAV detection", which is aimed at creating a system for detecting Unmanned aerial vehicles in real-time in a protected area based on acoustic signals.
General scientific and pedagogical experience of 7 years.
1. Satbayev University, 2017-2020, graduated from the theoretical Ph.D. course in the specialty 6D071900 - Radio engineering, electronics, and telecommunications.
2. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA, June 2019 - August 2020, Researcher, Department of Computer Technologies.
3. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott, AZ, USA, February 2019 - June 2019, Researcher, Electrical Engineering Department
4. IT university, 2012-2014, master of technical sciences, specialty: 6M070500 - Mathematical and computer modeling.
5. NJSC "Almaty University of Energy and Communications", 2008-2012, Bachelor of Engineering and Technology, specialty: 5В071900 - Radio engineering, electronics, and telecommunications.
Scientific projects
1. "Research on acoustic data recognition for effective UAV detection".
2. "Software Defined Radio", "Cognitive Radio"
1. «How to kill a suspicious DRONE», Poster for Conference IEEE symposium on DRONE computing/October 6th, 2017/Bangalore
2. Utebayeva D., Ilipbayeva L.B., Seidaliyeva U. O. "Research of the features of Biometric characteristics of phonemes of the Kazakh language", The International Conference «Information Technology, Management and Society 2018». 3. Utebayeva D., Ilipbayeva L.B., Seidaliyeva U. O., "Research of Specific Phonemes of the Kazakh language on the basis of LPC coefficients", The International Conference «Information Technology, Management and Society 2018».
4. D. Utebayeva, M. Alduraibi, L. Ilipbayeva, A. Almagambetov, Y. Temirgaliyev, and S. Marxuly. Multi-label UAV sound classification using Stacked Bidirectional LSTM. // in the press, 2020.
5. D. Utebayeva, M. Alduraibi, L. Ilipbayeva, Y. Temirgaliyev, Stacked BiLSTM - CNN for Multiple label UAV sound classification, accepted, in the press, 2020.
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