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 Mussabayeva Veronika

Mussabayeva Veronika

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Architecture Department

Email: v.mussabayeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

In 2002, she graduated from the faculty of architecture of KazHAAC, majoring in "architect".  Since 2003, she has been engaged in project activities in the company "TERRA". Starting as a landscape architect, she has been its Director since 2007.

For 17 years, she has been engaged in the design and design of recreational facilities, development of master plans and working drawings of territories. Has knowledge in the field of dendrology and agricultural engineering. In parallel with practical activities since 2008 teaches at the Satbayev University. Under her leadership in 2015 in graduate design  landscape theme has been successfully implemented. His main research interests are in the field of landscape architecture and landscape urbanism. More than 10 articles and recommendations have been written and published on this topic. Student work performed under the guidance of Mussabayeva V. regularly marked with diplomas and certificates at the national and international levels.


Architect, Kazakh Head Academy of Architecture and construction, Almaty, 2002.

Scientific projects

Landscape architecture, landscape urbanism, human comfort, history and theory of landscape art.

1 Leadership and participation in a number of architectural design works on the reorganization of the spatial environment, landscape, buildings and interiors of Satbayev University.

2 By research grant funding of MES RK on the theme № 757.Mon.GF.15. IPS.1 "Improving the competitive potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan through rational architectural planning and spatial organization of territories and infrastructure facilities for mass recreation, external and internal tourism" (final report 2017).

3 Author of a number of projects on landscape architecture: Korkem Tau residential complex, Almaty (2012); Esentai Park residential complex, Almaty (2013-2014); public Park at the Sports complex, Semey (2018), etc.


1 "Creating a compensating nature in the city on the example of Andre Citroen Park.", West Siberian scientific center, international practical conference "Fundamental scientific research", p. 17, Kemerovo 29-30 January 2017, RSCI

2 "Ecological rehabilitation of urban areas by means of landscape architecture on the example of Andre Citroen Park", West Siberian scientific center, international practical conference "Fundamental scientific research", p. 22, Kemerovo 29-30 January 2017, RSCI

3 "Laws of composition as a basis for creating urban landscapes", West Siberian scientific center, international practical conference "Fundamental scientific research", p. 30, Kemerovo 29-30 January 2017, RSCI

PROSPECTS for the FORMATION of local HISTORY PARKS in KAZAKHSTAN (on the EXAMPLE of the Park of GEOGLYPHS in the KUSTANAY REGION) Musabaeva V. A., Samoilov K. I., Science and education today No. 12 (47), 2019, p. 98

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