Abakanov Mirken Seitkasymovich
Doctor of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of civil engineering and building materials
Email: m.abakanov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
1) 19.10.1970 - 31.10.1973 - Engineer, senior engineer of the design institute "Hyprovuz" (workshop of the Moscow "Hyprovuz")
2) 11.11.1973 - 12.11.1976 - M.sc. of the laboratory of "Seismic resistance of foundations and foundations" of Kazpromstroyniiproekt, 135 Gagarin Ave.
3) 11/16/1976 - 11/15/1979 - Postgraduate student of the NIIZHB Gosstroy of the USSR, Moscow
4) 19.12.1979 - 20.12.1995 - Head of the laboratory of KazPromstroyNIIproject, KazNIISSA, Gagarin Ave., 135 Zh.
5) 20.12.1995 - 14.04.1998 - Deputy Head of the Department of "Construction, Engineering and Transport Infrastructure" of the State Commission for the Relocation of Higher and Central state Bodies to Akmola, Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Astana (accepted by translation)
6) 10.04.1998 - 18.09.2000 - Head of the Department of the Committee for Construction and Housing, Astana
7) 27.09.2000 - 31.03.2004 - Chief Engineer, Deputy Director of the Construction Department of JSC NOC "Kazakhoil", after reorganization, Chief Manager of JSC NC "KazMunayGas", Astana
8) 01.04.2004 - 28.02.20010 - Deputy Director of the Department of Capital Construction of JSC RD "KazMunayGas", Astana
9) 02.08.2010 - First Deputy General Director of RSE KazNIISSA, Almaty, ul.Solodovnikova, 21
10) 01.07.2015 - Managing Director for Technical Issues of KazNIISA JSC, Almaty, Solodovnikova str., 21
11) 18.09.2017 - 31.12.202 - Advisor to the General Director on Technical Issues of KazNIISA JSC, Almaty, Solodovnikova str., 21
1) 1970 - Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I.Lenin, Alma-Ata. Qualification in the specialty: Civil Engineer (Faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering).Publications
1) Junctions of covering structures with columns of single-storey frame buildings for seismic areas. Studies of seismic resistance of structures and structures. Proceedings of KazNIISSA, issue 22 (32), Almaty: -2007.- pp. 225-236.
2) Dynamic tests of a single-storey industrial building with a coating of "P" type plates for a span of 3x18m. Bulletin of Kyrgyzstan, No. 1 (18). Bishkek: -2009. - pp. 246-250.
3) On reforming the system of technical regulation of the construction industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Collection of materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Construction in seismic areas", Almaty, October 16-19, 2012, P- 3-7.
4) Results of dynamic tests of fragments of single-storey frame buildings. Collection of materials of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Construction in seismic areas", Almaty, October 16-19, 2012, P- 15-24
5) The behavior of single-storey frame buildings during the 1988 Spitak earthquake in Armenia. Collection of abstracts of the V World Congress of Engineering and Technology – WCET-2012 "Science and Technology: Step into the future", National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, June 1-2, 2012, P-75-76.
6) The strength of reinforced concrete structures under low-cycle loads of the seismic type. Scientific and technical journal "Earthquake-resistant construction. Safety of structures", No. 05, Moscow, 2013. – pp. 30-34.
7) On the reform of the regulatory framework of the construction industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Technical regulation of the construction industry in modern conditions. International scientific and practical conferences. May 21, 2015, Minsk. pp.8-12.
8) Low-cycle strength of reinforced concrete structures under the action of seismic loads. Proceedings of the International Scientific and practical conference "Science, technical regulation and Engineering in construction: state, prospects", April 29-30, 2016, Karaganda. pp.51-56
9) Reinforced concrete rafter beams with undercuts on the supports of single-storey frame buildings for seismic areas. Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Modern Construction science, state and prospects of development", Almaty, October 28, 2016, pp.30-45.
10) About ground conditions and seismic hazard of the territory in the norms of earthquake-resistant construction of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific and technical journal. Natural and man-made risks. Safety of structures" S.18-25, №05 (54)/2021, ISSN 2221-5638
11) About ground conditions and seismic hazard of the territory in the norms of earthquake-resistant. Abakanov M.S. Akbieva R.T. Natural and man-made risks. Safety of structures. 2021. No. 5 (54). pp.18-24.
12) On new standards for earthquake-resistant construction of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Abakanov M.S. Natural and technogenic risks. Safety of structures. 2022. No. 4 (59). pp.16-22.
13) How to Cite: Abakanov, M., Dyussembayev, I, Nigmetov, M. (2024). Identifying the effect of low-cycle fatigue of reinforced concrete structures of the properties of the reducing coefficient under the action of a seismic type load. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 3(7(129)), 26-37.
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