Abdraimova Gulnara
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Email: g.abdraimova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Professional biography:
After graduation, she was an engineer, a junior research analyst at the Department of MDTT of the Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics of Kazakh State University, postgraduate student, a junior research analyst at the Laboratory of Dynamics and Strength of Machines of IMMah named after U. A. Dzholdasbekov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Since 2004, senior lecturer, associate professor of the department "Theoretical and Applied Mechanics", since 2016 to date, associate professor of the department "Applied Mechanics and Engineering Graphics" and "Engineering Mechanics and Modeling" at the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev (Satbayev University).
Scientific and pedagogical experience is 38 years. Published more than 70 scientific and educational works, including the impact factor of Thomson Reuters. A monograph, a training manual, educational and methodical works, teaching materials and syllabuses on the theory of elasticity, fluid and gas mechanics, mechanics of composite materials, computational mechanics, mechanics of a deformable solid, mathematical modeling, fracture mechanics, and material resistance have been published.
More than 70 scientific and methodological works have been published, including 1 textbook (alone), 1 monograph (co-authored), articles with the impact factor of Thomson Reuters, Scopus. The Hirsch index h=2, and more than 10 publications in the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission.
She was awarded honorary diplomas of KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev. KR Bilim zhane Gylym Minister E. Sagadiev atynan Kurmet gramotasy, (Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan signed by Minister Sagadiev E), KR Constitution of kunine Satbayev University rectors I.Beisembetov atynan Algys khat, 2018zh; Diplomas of SATBAYEV UNIVERSITY signed by Rector I. Beisembetov for 2017, 2018, 2019; Jubilee medal " 85 years of K.I.Satpayev's execution", 2019;Satbayev University rectors M.Bergentaev atynan "Kazakhstan Republikasynn Tauelsizdigine 30 zhyl" Kurmet gramotasy, 2021 zh.
Additional information:
1. Member of the SAC for the state examination and defense of diploma projects (works) 5B071200-Mechanical Engineering; management of graduation papers and research of students;
2. There are more than 10 certificates of professional development;
3. Full member of the International Academy of Informatization. Diploma No. 1650 RK, 20.11.2014
Higher Education:
1979-1984, Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, Faculty of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, specialization "Mechanics of a deformable solid";
04.1997-08.2001, graduate school in the laboratory “Dynamics and Strength of Machines” of the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (IMMash) named after U. A. Dzholdasbekov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
09.2006-09.2009, doctoral studies (without interruption from production) in the laboratory “Dynamics and Strength of Machines” of the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (IMMash) named after U. A. Dzholdasbekov of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Academic distinction:
Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty "Dynamics and Strength of Machines, Instruments and Equipment"
Scientific projects
Scientific interests and current projects: Mechanics of a deformable solid; Dynamics and strength of machines, instruments and equipment; Finite element method; Stability, strength and rigidity of the structures of mechanisms and machines; Finite element calculation.
Participation in research projects (over the last 3 years):
The direction of scientific activity is the mechanics of deformable solids, dynamics and strength of machines and mechanisms. Member of research groups:
1.SNS, Senior Researcher.Project of the GF of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. AP08857255-OT-20 "Development of mathematical models and methods of analysis of mechanical deformable systems with complex nonlinear properties and variable structure in the dynamics of machines", 2020-2022;
2.SNS,Senior Researcher. Household. the agreement "Integrated robotization of technological processes of uranium production", 2020-2021.;
3.SNS,Senior Researcher. GF MES RK Project No.AP05132743 “Development and development of asymptotic models of the field of surface waves in deformable solid media with complex mechanical properties, coating and sources of their excitation", 2018-2020;
4.SNS Senior Researcher.Household. contract "Development and implementation of an automated complex of painting and marking of TUK 44/8 refining production", 2020; SNS, household. contract "Development of modeling methods and analysis of the process of drilling geotechnological wells"", 2018-2019.
Selected Publications:
1. G. Abdraimova, K. Tulegenova, B. Kyrykbaev, A. Zhauyt, A. Alimbetov and M. Nurbakyt. Dynamic Analysis of the Press Automation., Satbayev University, Almaty, 050013, Kazakhstan. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research Vol. 8, No. 1, January 2019
2. Г.А. Абдраимова, А.Ж. Акпанбетова, З.К. Джуламанова. Квазистатическое напряженно-деформированное состояние плоского рычажного механизма III класса. //Materials of the IV International Scientific-Practical Conference October 23-25, 2019 (Vancouver, Canada) Volume 1, p.356
3. Сейдахмет А.Ж., Абдраимова Г.А., Аскаров Е.С., Гриценко И.С. Проектирование робототехнического комплекса для автоматизации покрасочных операций, загруженных бочек, на предприятиях Казатомпрома. // «Актуальные проблемы урановой промышленности» Сборник трудов IX международной научно- практической конференции. 7-9 ноября, 2019 г. Алматы, - с.318
4. Абдраимова Г.А., Кудайбергенов А.К., Сергалиев А.С., Хаджиева Л.А. Применение цифровых технологий для моделирования движения буровых колонн при создании геотехнологических скважин. // «Актуальные проблемы урановой промышленности» Сборник трудов IX международной научно- практической конференции. 7-9 ноября, 2019 г. Алматы, - с.364
5. Tamerlan Omarov, Kuralay Tulegenova, Yerulan Bekenov, Gulnara Abdraimova, Algazy Zhauyt, Muslimzhan Ibadullayev. Determination of Reduced Mass and Stiffness of Flexural Vibrating Cantilever Beam, Department Mechanical Engineering, Satbayev University, Almaty, 050013. Journal of Measurements in Engineering, Vol. 6, Issue 1, 2018, p. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.21595/jme.2018.19545
6. Zhukeshov A.M., Gabdullina A.T., Amrenova A.I., Abdraimova G.A., Mukhamedryskyzy M. Analysis of Thermal Physical Processes and Peculiarities of Modification of a Steel Surface by Pulsed Plasma Flows. ISSN 1063-7842, Technical Physics, 2017, Vol. 62, No. 12, pp. 1817–1821. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2017 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1063784217120283
7. Algazy Zhayt, Gulnara Abdraimova, Saduakhas Japayev, Batyrkhan Kyryrbaev. A dynamic analysis of six-bar mechanical press. Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, 2017, Volume 13, Pages 249-25 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319912746_A_dynamic_analysis_of_six-bar_mechanical_press
8. Масанов Ж.К., Сартаев К.З., Абдраимова Г.А. и др. Квазистатика, устойчивость и динамика упругих пространственных механизмов. // Монография. Алматы: ИММаш им. академика У.А. Джолдасбекова, 2015г. -288 с.
9. Абдраимова Г.А. Квазистатическая упругая устойчивость плоских и пространственных стержневых систем. \\Учебное пособие. КазНТУ, Алматы, 2010.107 стр.
10. Масанов Ж.К., Сартаев К.З., Абдраимова Г.А. Динамика, напряженно-деформированное состояние и нелинейная устойчивость упругих, анизатропных пространственных механизмов. \\Журнал «Механика и машиноведение». Алматы, ИММаш, 2007, №1 -с. 88-93.
11. Абдраимова Г.А., Сартаев К.З., Жолдасов С.А., Акпанбетова А.Ж. Нелинейное упругое динамическое состояние и устойчивость ПМВК. \\ 1Х Всероссийский съезд по теоретической и прикладной механике. Н. Новгород, 22-28 августа 2006г, стр.7.
12. Масанов Ж.К., Сартаев К.З., Абдраимова Г.А. Метод конечных элементов в задачах квазистатической устойчивости пространственных МВК с упругодеформируемыми звеньями// Научный журнал Министерства образования и науки (Поиск), 2003, №3(2), -с.230-236
13.А.Марасулов, И.И.Сафаров, Б.Рахмонов, Абдраимова Г.А, А.С.Тулеп. Теоретико-экспериментальное исследование колебания подземного оболочечного сооружения при сейсмовзрывных воздействиях. Вестник SATBAEV UNIVERSITY КазНИТУ им. К.И. Сатпаева, ISSN 1680-9211, №2 (138), 2020, -с.303
14.Сартаев К.З., Абдраимова Г.А., Мирзагельдинова Ж.М., Карипбаев С.Ж. и др. Влияние упругих сил на компьютерную визуализацию кинематики пространственного односекционного манипулятора. // Механика и технология. Научный журнал Таразского университета, №1, 2020, -с. 224
15. L.A.Khajieva, A.K.Kudaibergenov, G.A.Abdraimova and R.F.Sabirova. Modeling of Nonlinear Dynamics of Planar Mechanisms with Elastic and Flexible Pre-Stressed Elements//Advanses in Mechanism Design III, Proceedings of TMM 2020. Vol.85, pp.94-103, 2021.ISBN 978-3-030-83593-4. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-83594-1
16. А.Марасулов, И.И.Сафаров, Абдраимова Г.А, А.С.Тулеп. Собственные колебания ребристой усеченной конической оболочки. Вестник КазНИТУ том 143 № 3 (2021): Вестник Satbayev University, 143(3), 211–221. https://doi.org/10.51301/vest.su.2021.i3.28
17.А. Марасулов, И.И. Сафаров, М.Х. Тешаев, Г.А. Абдраимова, А.С. Тулеп. Распространение нестационарных волн в слоистом вязкоупругом цилиндре. «Доклады Национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан» ISSN 2518-1483 (Online), ISSN 2224-5227 (Print) © Национальная академия наук Республики Казахстан, №1, 2024, -с.63 https://journals.nauka-nanrk.kz/reports-science/article/view/5924
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