Abdul Razaque
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"
Email: r.abdul@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Профессор-исследователь Университета Гачон, Южная Корея; 1 апреля 2023 г. – настоящее время. Профессор, Сатбаев Университет, Алматы, Казахстан; 1 сентября 2023 г. – настоящее время. Профессор-исследователь компьютерной инженерии Университета Аризоны; 1 сентября 2020 г. – 30 марта 2023 г. Доцент кафедры компьютерной инженерии и информационной безопасности, Международный университет информационных технологий, Казахстан; 1 сентября 2019 г. – 31 августа 2020 г. Доцент-исследователь, Нью-Йоркский университет, США ; 1 сентября 2018 г. – 31 августа 2019 г. Доцент, Нью-Йоркский технологический институт (NYIT), США (Кампус Китая) с 25 августа 2016 г. по 31 июля 2018 г. Доцент, Государственный университет Кливленда; 17 августа 2015 г.- 31 июля 2016 г. научный сотрудник и преподаватель Университета Бриджпорта; 15 января 2011 г. – 8 августа 2015 г. Директор по информационным технологиям проекта Организации Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры и Всемирного банка; Январь 2009 г. – декабрь 2010 г. Сетевой ИТ-директор, AT&T, Хартфорд, США: август 2005 г. – декабрь 2008 г.Education
Постдокторант, факультет электротехники и вычислительной техники, Университет Иллинойса, Урбана-Шампейн, США, 18 мая 2015 г. – 16 августа 2015 г. Доктор философии в области наук и инженерии, Компьютерный Университет Бриджпорта, США, 25 января 2011 г. – 17 мая, 2015.Publications
1. Abrar. M. Alajlan, Abdul Razaque,. ESOA-HGRU: egret swarm optimization algorithm-based hybrid gated recurrent unit for classification of diabetic retinopathy. Springer Journal of Artificial Intelligence Review (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10462-023-10532-1: ):[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 12.0.
2. Abdul Razaque, Gulnara Bektemyssova, Joon Yoo, Aziz Alotaibi, Mohsin Ali, Fathi Amsaad, Saule Amanzholova, and Majid Alshammari, “Malicious Vehicle Detection Using Layer-Based Paradigm and the Internet of Things”, Sensor MDPI (2023):[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 3.9.
3. MELAOUENE Noussaiba, Abdul Razaque*, ROMADI Rahal ”Heterogeneous Algorithm for Efficient Path Detection and Congestion Avoidance for Vehicular Management System” Sensor MDPI (2023):[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 3.9.
4. Abdul Razaque*, Mohamed Ben Haj Frej, Gulnara Bektemyssova, Muder Almi’ani, Fathi Amsaad, Aziz Alotaibi, Noor Z. Jhanjhi, Mohsin Ali, Saule Amanzholova, and Majid Alshammari. "Quality of Service Generalization using Parallel Turing Integration Paradigm to Support Machine Learning." Electronics 12, no. 5 (2023): 1129:[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q2]: Impact Factor: 2.9.
5. Garvanova, Magdalena, Ivan Garvanov, Vladimir Jotsov, Abdul Razaque*,, Bandar Alotaibi, Munif Alotaibi, and Daniela Borissova. "A Data-Science Approach for Creation of a Comprehensive Model to Assess the Impact of Mobile Technologies on Humans." Applied Sciences 13, no. 6 (2023): 3600. [Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q2]: Impact Factor: 2.838.
6. Hildebrand, Brian, Simra Tabassum, Bharath Konatham, Fathi Amsaad, Mohamed Baza, Tara Salman, and Abdul Razaque*,. "A comprehensive review on blockchains for Internet of Vehicles: Challenges and directions. Elsevier Journal on Computer Science Review 48 (2023): 100547. .:[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 8.757.
7. Abdul Razaque*, Yaser Jararweh, Aziz Alotaibi, Fathi Amsaad, Bandar Alotaibi, and Munif Alotaibi. "A blockchain-enabled framework for securing connected consumer electronics against wireless attacks." Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 121 (2022): 102652.:[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 4.199.
8. Abdul Razaque*,, Mohamed Ben Haj Frej, Gulnara Bektemyssova, Fathi Amsaad, Muder Almiani, Aziz Alotaibi, Noor Zaman Jhanjhi, Saule Amanzholova, Majid Alshammari”Credit Card-Not-Present Fraud Detection and Prevention using Big DataAnalytics Algorithms, MDPI Applied Sciences, 2022” [Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q2]: Impact Factor: 2.838.
9. Kumar, Vipin, Navneet Malik, Jimmy Singla, N. Z. Jhanjhi, Fathi Amsaad, and Abdul Razaque. "Light Weight Authentication Scheme for Smart Home IoT Devices." Cryptography 6, no. 3 (2022): 37: :[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 3.538
10. Abdul Razaque*, Marzhan Abenova, Munif Alotaibi, Bandar Alotaibi, Hamoud Alshammari, Salim Hariri, and Aziz Alotaibi. "Anomaly Detection Paradigm for Multivariate Time Series Data Mining for Healthcare." Applied Sciences 12, no. 17 (2022): 8902 :[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q2]: Impact Factor: 2.838
11. Abdul Razaque*, Yaser Jararweh, Bandar Alotaibi, Munif Alotaibi, and Muder Almiani. "Hybrid energy-efficient algorithm for efficient internet of things deployment." Elsevier Journal on Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 35 (2022): 100715. 102544 :[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 4.923.
12. Abdul Razaque, Yaser Jararweh,Aziz Alotaibi, Fathi Amsaad, , Bandar Alotaibi, Munif Alotaibi, ”A Blockchain-Enabled Framework for securing connected consumer electronics against wireless attacks”, Elsevier Journal of Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, 2022: :[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 4.199.
13. Almiani, Muder, Alia Abughazleh, Yaser Jararweh, and Abdul Razaque. "Resilient Back Propagation Neural Network Security Model For Containerized Cloud Computing." Elsevier Journal on Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 118 (2022): 102544 :[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 4.199
14. Al-Qubaydhi, Nader, Abdulrahman Alenezi, Turki Alanazi, Abdulrahman Senyor, Naif Alanezi, Bandar Alotaibi, Munif Alotaibi, Abdelaziz A. Abdelhamid, Abdul Razaque*, and Aziz Alotaibi. "Unauthorized Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Detection using YOLOv5 and Transfer Learning." (2022). MDPI Journal on Electronics, 2022 :[Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q2]: Impact Factor: 2.9
15. Abdul Razaque, Fathi Amsaad, Musbah Abdulgader, Bandar Alotaibi, Fawaz Alsolami, Duisen Gulsezimhas, Saraju Mohanty, and Salim Hariri. "A Mobility-aware Human-centric Cyber-physical System for Efficient and Secure Smart Healthcare." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2022): [Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 9.936.
16. Abdul Razaque*, Bandar Alotaibi, Munif Alotaibi, Shujaat Hussain, Aziz Alotaibi, and Vladimir Jotsov. "Clickbait Detection Using Deep Recurrent Neural Network." Applied Sciences 12, no. 1 (2022): 504: [Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q2]: Impact Factor: 2.9.
17. Almiani, Muder, Abdul Razaque*, Bandar Alotaibi, Munif Alotaibi, Saule Amanzholova, and Aziz Alotaibi. "An Efficient Data-Balancing Cyber-Physical System Paradigm for Quality-of-Service (QoS) Provision over Fog Computing." Applied Sciences 12, no. 1 (2022): 246: [Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q2]: Impact Factor: 2.9.
18. Abdul Razaque*, Syed Rizvi, Muder Almiani, and Amer Al Rahayfeh. "State-of-art review of information diffusion models and their impact on social network vulnerabilities." Elsevier Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences (2022): [Indexed in Scopus, Web of Science, SCIE, Ei Compendex, ISI Index; Q1]: Impact Factor: 13.473.
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