Abdullayev Seidulla Seidemetovich
Doctor of technical sciences
Head of School
School of transport engineering and logistics named after M. Tynyshpayev
Email: s.abdullayev@satbayev.111
Head of the School of Transport Engineering and Logistics after M.Tynyshpaev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor.
Transport is an electrical engineer with more than 25 years of experience. He worked as a senior laboratory assistant, leading engineer, chief specialist of "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy", chief engineer of "Kazgiprozheldortrans", deputy director of "UPP" KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev, Dean of the Faculty of "Transport Engineering, Construction and Economics", KUPS, first vice-rector of KUPS, professor of the department "Locomotives", executive secretary of the admissions committee, head Department of "Locomotives" KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaeva, director of the college of Almaty Transport College named after M. Tynyshpaev LLP, Dean of the Faculty of Transport Engineering and Construction, Vice-rector for Science and Cooperation, Vice-rector for Social and Educational work of KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev, Professor of the Department of Technological Machines and Transport, Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering of NAO Kazakh National Research Technical University K.I. Satpayev, scientific director of a number of research projects.
On scientific and pedagogical internships
Advanced training at the Xi'an Railway Vocational Technical Institute for the training of railway workers. FR Tempus. JPHES "Interoperability/Safety and certification in the field of international railway transport in Ukraine and Central Asia" Latvia in Riga. Advanced training of higher and secondary educational institutions in New York, USA. Advanced training from various universities in the Republic of Singapore. He passed the "Preparation of a report on the self-assessment of the University within the framework of institutional accreditation", organized by the Independent Kazakhstan Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (reg. No. 0511). According to the results of professional development, a certificate was received. Advanced training "Management in the system of higher professional education" (No.0373204)
Author of more than 125 scientific papers, including those indexed in the Scopus-18 and Web of science – 10 databases (Q1,Q2,Q3), as well as 3 patents, 4 textbooks, 2 monographs, 6 scientific manuals.
Reviewer in journals indexed in the Scopus database and Web of Science: Journals of publishers Transport Problems.
2 candidates of Sciences, doctors of Ph.D. have been trained under the guidance:
1) Pyat D.R. on the topic "Study of the impact of modernized electric locomotives on the railway track and determination of the effectiveness of their use."
2) Dzhakupov N.R. on the topic "Reliability research and durability assessment of diesel locomotive parts".
Member of the editorial Board of the Scientific journal – Bulletin of KazATK
He worked as a member of the Expert Council of the Committee for Control in the field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- 2020 member of the commission for the training of the direction of personnel awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
- 2022 participated in the work of the commission, the working group, the expert group and (or) the project office.
Winner of the title of "Best University Teacher" in 2014
The head of the Department:
- Awarded the bronze medal named after A. Baitursynov" for his contribution to the development of the higher education system of the country and for outstanding work in the training of highly qualified specialists " (2016);
- Awarded a medal for the 140th anniversary of the birth of M. Tynyshpayev (2019);
- Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan .2019;
- award of the award "TURKSIB 90" 2020
Educational institution:
(AlRE) Almaty Institute of Railway Engineers
The duration of the training:
5 years old
electrical engineer specializing in Electric Locomotives and Electric Trains (Locomotives)
postgraduate study
Educational institution:
KazATK named after M. Tynyshpaev (MIIT., Moscow)
The duration of the training:
3 years old
Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.22.06 — "Optimization of parameters of spring suspension of rolling stock taking into account the real condition of the railway track"
Doctor of Technical Sciences in spec. 05.22.06 - "Methodology for modeling disturbances from a railway track to assess the dynamic parameters of rolling stock"
Professor's diploma (by the Committee for Control in the field of education and science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 10/27/2011 Protocol No. 6)
Scientific projects
The project of a network of electric charging stations for cars powered by new energy sources in Almaty"
Studies of the influence of natural and climatic conditions on the parameters of the working process of transport diesel engines.
Investigation of the factors influencing contact fatigue defects of wheelsets.
Development of a methodology for calculating the resource and rational timing of the bandages of wheelsets of locomotives of the TE33A series according to the technical condition", substantiation of the expediency of using solid-rolled wheelsets with a crest thickness of 23mm and an assessment of their safety.
Traction-operational tests of locomotives. Technological support for the repair and improvement of the dynamic qualities of railway rolling stock.
Development and research of ways to reduce the consumption of electricity for train traction in railway transport, reliability of railway rolling stock.
Development of a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions and pollutants from transport (including road, rail, air and water transport.
Environmental assessment of the effectiveness of transport measures to reduce emissions of pollutants and improve the quality of urban atmospheric air.
Investigation of the impact of locomotives on the railway track and determination of the effectiveness of their use
"Assessment of the technical condition, reliability and prospects for the use of passenger electric locomotives of the KZ4 series with a design speed of 200 km/h"
The list of publications of the supervisor in domestic journals, including those recommended by the KKSON of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, published (with a full bibliographic description)
С.С.Абдуллаев,Ж.С. Сейдеметова,А.С. Абдуллаева Анализ работы ТОО «КМ Транко» как транспортно-логистического центра (ТЛЦ) и перспективы развития ТЛЦ в Республике Казахстан. Вестник КазАТК №3.(110) –Алматы, 2019г стр 123-129.DOI 10.52167/1609-1817
Г.Т. Мерзадинова Ж.С. Сейдеметова С.С. Абдуллаев , А.С. Абдуллаева. Некоторые вопросы создания информационного пространство по организации и контролю перевозок грузов в логистической среде «Клиент-перевозчик». Вестник ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева., №4. (129) Нур – Султан, 2019 г. стр.42-47.DOI: https://doi.org/10.32523/2616-7263-2019-129-4-42-47
С.С. Абдуллаев Ж.С. Сейдеметова. Анализ структуры транспортно-логистических цепей рынка труда транспортных услуг железнодорожного узла. Журнал «Промышленный транспорт Казахстана», Алматы, КУПС, 2019. – №4, с. 79-87.
С.С. Абдуллаев.А.А Райымбекова Ж.А. Асилбай Определение параметров верхнего узла токоприемника при его взаимодействиис контактной подвеской. Вестник КазАТК №1.(112) –Алматы, 2020г., стр 79-89.DOI 10.52167/1609-1817
С.С. Абдуллаев.А.А Райымбекова Ж.А. Асилбай Повышение эксплатационной надежности асинхронных вспомагательных электрических машин. Вестник КазАТК №1.(112) –Алматы, 2020 г., стр 69-79.DOI 10.52167/1609-1817
С.С. Абдуллаев.Г.К. Аширбаев, Г.Б. Бакыт,И.А. Аширбаева, Ж.С. Сейдеметова. Определение технического состояния буксовых узлов при внеплановых и плановых осмотрах.Вестник КазАТК. №4(115),2020,стр68-77, ISSN № 1609-1817.DOI 10.52167/1609-1817
С.С. Абдуллаев.Қ.Т. Есбосынов, Ғ.Б. Бақыт,Б.М. Айтанатов Основные результаты экспериментальных исследований эксплуатационной надежности дизельных двигателей карьерных автосамосвалов. Вестник КазАТК №4.(115),2020,стр 96-108, ISSN № 1609-1817.DOI 10.52167/1609-1817
Ж.С.Сейдеметова, С.С. Абдуллаев.А.С. Абдуллаева, А.К.Беисова Структурный анализ и оценка развития рынка транспортных услуг транспортного узла Вестник КазАТК. №3(114),2020,стр 171-181, ISSN № 1609-1817.DOI 10.52167/1609-1817
Н.А. Токмурзина-Коберняк, С.С. Абдуллаев.М.Ж. Мусин Культура безопасности – современный подход в развитии системы управления безопасностью движения поездов. Вестник КазАТК. №4(119),2021,стр126-132, ISSN № 1609-1817.Doi 10.52167/1609-1817-2021-119-4-126-132
С.С. Абдуллаев.А.С.Абдуллаева.Переход сети 4g на 5g. Инновационный потенциал экосистемы 5g. Вестник КазАТК. №1(120),2022,стр164-170, ISSN № 1609-1817.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2022-120-1-164-170
С.С. Абдуллаев.Б.Ш.Дуйсембаева .Ғ. Б.Бақыт Методы измерения и регистрации геометрических параметров неровностей пути. Вестник КазАТК. №2(121),2022,стр97-103, ISSN № 1609-1817.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2022-121-2-97-104
А.М. Елшібеков.С.С. Абдуллаев.М.В.Шевлюгин Анализ возможности использования энергоаккумуляторов в системе питания установок, необходимых для электропитания. Вестник КазАТК. №2(121),2022,стр88-95, ISSN № 1609-1817.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2022-121-2-88-96
С.С. Абдуллаев. А.Т. Альпеисов, Ж.С.Сейдеметова, Ә.С. Абдуллаева.Исследования по построению интеллектуальной системы логистики холодовой цепи на основе повсеместного интернета вещей 5g Вестник КазАТК № 2 (125), 2023.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2023-125-2-233-245
С.С. Абдуллаев.А .Абдыкадыров, К.К.Сарсанбековю С. Марксұлы, Ә.С. Абдуллаева.Исследование процесса дистанционного контроля состояния электроприводов озонаторной установки. Вестник КазАТК № 2 (125), 2023.DOI: https://doi.org/10.52167/1609-1817-2023-125-2-274-282
С.С. Абдуллаев.А.Каражанов Б.Ш.Дуйсембаева.,Е.Аскенов,К.К. Сарсанбеков. Понятие о надежности выполнения рессорным подвешиванием виброзащитных функций Вестник КазАТК № 3 (126), 2023.
List of publications of the supervisor over the past 5 years (indicating quartiles for journals from the Web of Science database and CiteScore percentiles for journals from the Scopus database, the number of citations in these databases, including and without self-citations; publications are marked separately as the author for correspondence or the first author)S.Abdullayev.G. Bakyt, Z. Ibraev, G. Ashirbayev.M. Yessengaliyev Saving energy with depot of idle locomotives and waiting for the work of by introducing an additional installation of a transformer and compressor(article)Current science, Vol. 114, No. 3, 2017, pp. 1581-1591,ISSN0011-3891, Q-3, Multidisciplinary Sciences.
S.Abdullayev.G. Bakyt, J. Musayev, T. Chigambaev, A. Toilybayev Optimum distribution of repairs ТS-8 of electric locomotives VL80С between repair depots on the Republic of Kazakhstan railway(article)Transport Problems, 2017, vol. 12, No 2, pp. 19-30, ISSN:1896-0596, Q-3.Percentile-48%, Automotive Engineering.
G. Imasheva, S.Abdullayev.G. Bakyt, N. Tokmurzina,N. Adilova Prospects for the Use of Gondola Cars on Bogies of Model ZK1 in the Organization of Heavy Freight Traffic in the Republic of Kazakhstan(article)Mechanika, 2018, Volume 24 (1), pp.32-36, ISSN 1392-1207, Q-4. Percentile-18%, Physics and Astronomy
K. Zhussupov, A. Toktamyssova,S.Abdullayev.G. Bakyt, M. Yessengaliyev, M. Bazarbekova. Investigation of the Stress-Strain State of a Wheel Flange of the Locomotive by the Method of Finite Element Modeling(article)Mechanika, 2018, Volume 24 (2), pp.174-181, ISSN 1392-1207, Q-4. Percentile-18%, Physics and Astronomy
G.Bakyt, S.Abdullayev.N. Suleyeva, A.Yelshibekov, Z. Seidemetova, Z.Sadvakassovaю Simulation of dynamic processes of interaction of car And railway track during train passage of curved Sections of track(article)Transport Problems, 2020, vol. 15, No 2, pp. 59-70, ISSN:1896-0596,Q-3.Percentile-48%, Automotive Engineering
G.Bakyt. Z. Seidemetova, S.Abdullayev.A.Kamzina, M.Aikumbekov A. Abdullayeva. Create a Traffic Control Information Space in the Logistics Environment(article)Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2020, 11(2), pp. 290–300, ISSN:2068-696X, Q-2.Percentile-70%, Law
S.Abdullayev.G.Bakyt.M. Aikumbekov. I.Bondar.Y. Auyesbayev Determination of natural modes of railway overpasses(article)Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2021, 19(1), pp. 1–10, ISSN:1665-6423, Q-3 Percentile-30%, Engineering
S.Abdullayev.I.Bondor. G.Bakyt,G. Ashirbayeb. A.Budiukin. Y. Baubekov. Interaction of frame structures with rolling stock(article)News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakstan. Series of geology and technology sciences, Volume 1, Issue 445, pp. 22 – 28, 2021. Q-3 Percentile-41%, Earth and Planetary Sciences
S.Abdullayev.G.Bakyt,Z. Ibraev,G. Ashirbayev, M. Yessengaliyev, A. Yelshibekov. Saving Energy with Depot of Idle Locomotives and Waiting for the Work of ARF by Introducing an Additional Installation of a Transformer and Compressor.World Applied Sciences Journal (WASJ), IDOSI Publications, 2018 36 (2): 287-295
A.Abdullayeva, A.Kalabayeva,A.Ivanov,S.Abdullayev. G.Bakyt. Methods for Identification of Complex Industrial control objects on their Accelerating Characteristics.Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina, 2022, 24(3), pp. B239–B246. Percentile-38%,
G. Bakyt, Y.Jailaubekov.S.Abdullayev.G. Ashirbayev.I.Ashirbayeva Assessment of carbon dioxide emissions in roadtransport, using exhaust gas cleaning technology, in theRepublic of Kazakhstan.VibroengineeringProcedia, Lithuania – 2023, vol. 48 No 1, P. 87-92. Percentile-41%,
Abdykadyrov, A., Marxuly, S., Baikenzheyeva, A.,Abdullayev, S., Kuttybayeva, A.E. Research of the Process of Ozonation and Sorption Filtration of Natural and Anthropogenicly Pollated Waters. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, (Volume XIV, Summer), 3(67): 811-822. Percentile-44%,
S.Abdullayev.Bakyt, Gabit;Kamzina, Azhar;Sarsanbekov, Kurmangazy; Abdullayeva, Assel.Nteraction of the te33a diesel locomotive and the railway track on curved section with radius 290m.Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina Том 25, Выпуск 410.26552/com.C.2023.069. ISSN 13354205.Mechanical Engineering Q-3.Percentile-38%,ISSN13354205 DOI10.26552/com.C.2023.069
List of publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the Scopus database over the past 5 yearsMETHODS FOR IDENTIFICATION OF COMPLEX INDUSTRIAL CONTROL OBJECTS ON THEIR ACCELERATING CHARACTERISTICS, Abdullayeva A., Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina, 2022
Determination of natural modes of railway overpasses, Abdullayev S.S., Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2021
Interaction of frame structures with rolling stock, Abdullayev S.S., News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2021
Create a traffic control information space in the logistics environment, Bakyt G.B., Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2020
Simulation of dynamic processes of interaction of car and railway track during train passage of curved sections of the track, Bakyt G., Transport Problems, 2020
Investigation of the stress-strain state of a wheel flange of the locomotive by the method of finite element modeling, Zhussupov K., Mechanika, 2018
Prospects for the use of gondola cars on bogies of model ZK1 in the organization of heavy freight traffic in the republic of Kazakhstan, Imasheva G., Mechanika, 2017
Optimum distribution of repairs in ts-8 of electric locomotives vl80cbetween repair depots in the republic of Kazakhstan, Abdullayev S., Transport Problems, 2017
Determination of natural modes of railway overpasses, Abdullayev S.S., Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2021
Interaction of frame structures with rolling stock, Abdullayev S.S., News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2021
Create a traffic control information space in the logistics environment, Bakyt G.B., Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2020
Simulation of dynamic processes of interaction of car and railway track during train passage of curved sections of the track, Bakyt G., Transport Problems, 2020
Investigation of the stress-strain state of a wheel flange of the locomotive by the method of finite element modeling, Zhussupov K., Mechanika, 2018
Research of the Process of Ozonation and Sorption Filtration of Natural and Anthropogenicly Pollated Waters, Abdykadyrov A., Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023
Assessment of carbon dioxide emissions in road transport, using exhaust gas cleaning technology, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bakyt G., Vibroengineering Procedia, 2023
Determination of natural modes of railway overpasses, Abdullayev S.S., Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2021
Interaction of frame structures with rolling stock, Abdullayev S.S., News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2021
Create a traffic control information space in the logistics environment, Bakyt G.B., Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2020
Simulation of dynamic processes of interaction of car and railway track during train passage of curved sections of the track, Bakyt G., Transport Problems, 2020
Investigation of the stress-strain state of a wheel flange of the locomotive by the method of finite element modeling, Zhussupov K., Mechanika, 2018
Research of the Process of Ozonation and Sorption Filtration of Natural and Anthropogenicly Pollated Waters, Abdykadyrov A., Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2023
Assessment of carbon dioxide emissions in road transport, using exhaust gas cleaning technology, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bakyt G., Vibroengineering Procedia, 2023
INTERACTION OF THE TE33A DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE AND THE RAILWAY TRACK ON CURVED SECTION WITH RADIUS 290m, Abdullayev S., Communications - Scientific Letters of the University of Žilina, 2023
Determination of natural modes of railway overpasses, Abdullayev S.S., Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2021
Interaction of frame structures with rolling stock, Abdullayev S.S., News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2021
Create a traffic control information space in the logistics environment, Bakyt G.B., Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics, 2020
Simulation of dynamic processes of interaction of car and railway track during train passage of curved sections of the track, Bakyt G., Transport Problems, 2020
Investigation of the stress-strain state of a wheel flange of the locomotive by the method of finite element modeling, Zhussupov K., Mechanika, 2018
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