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Abdullayeva Togzhan

Abdullayeva Togzhan

Master of Technical Sciences


Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov

Department of "Geological survey, search and exploration of mineral deposits"

Email: t.abdullayeva.94@gmail.222


Professional biography

1.KAZ Minerals Aktogay- Geological Technician. -019-2021.09.22

2. KazNRTU named after Satpayev, together with Arasan LLP. junior researcher of the project. 12.2017 - up to now

3. KazNRTU named after Satpayev, Executor of the completed topic of grant financing "Study of the material composition and properties of the tailings of the concentration plants of Zhezkazgan in order to assess their prospects for expanding the mineral resource base" (2015-2017). Laboratory assistant, junior researcher. 2016-2018


1.Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, bachelor, full-time, Almaty, Kazakhstan. 2012-2016. 5В070600 "Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits" Bachelor of Engineering and Technology, GPA - 3.97

2.Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, master's degree, full-time. 2016-2018 6М070600 "Geology and exploration of mineral deposits". Master of Engineering Science

3.University of Aveiro, Portugal. 09.2017-12.2017. Study abroad within the framework of academic mobility

4.Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev, doctoral studies. 2018-2021. 6D075500 "Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology"

Scientific projects

State Fund "Study of the material composition and properties of the tailings of the concentration plants of Zhezkazgan in order to assess their prospects for expanding the mineral resource base" (2015-2017) - Junior Researcher


1. "Features of the relief in the areas of the Kyzylarai granite massif", Satpayevskie reading-2015, Kazakhstan, Almaty, KazNRTU.

2. "On the material composition of the tailings of the Borghezsay (Zhezkazgan)" Satpayevskie reading-2017, Kazakhstan, Almaty, KazNRTU.

3. “Tails of enrichment factories of Djeskasgan copper sandstone deposit are a source to replenish the mineral resource of non-ferrous metals” A. Baibatsha, K. Dyussembayeva, A. Bekbotayeva, T. Abdullayeva, In. 21st Int. Conf. Nonferrous Minerals and Metals, 7-8th July 2017, India

4. "Tails of Zhezkazgan copper sandstone deposit is the source for replenishment of the raw material base" A. Baibatsha, K. Dyussembayeva, A. Bekbotayeva, T. Abdullayeva, II International conference on Applied Mineralogy & Advanced materials & XIII International conference on Applied Mineralogy. Scientific research abstracts. V.6. Italy, 2017

5. "Micromineralogical study of the tailings of concentration plants as technogenic deposits of non-ferrous metals", Russia, Tomsk, TPU

6. Conference on geotechnics at SPbGASU, the topic of the article is "Design of works to assess the engineering and geological conditions of the Karatau region", this article was published in the printed collection of the SPbGASU publishing house with indexing in the RSCI.

7.XXIII International Scientific Symposium of Students and Young Scientists named after academician M.A. Usov "Problems of Geology and Subsoil Development", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician K.I. Satpayev, TPU. The topic of the article is "Design for the creation of a database of engineering and geological surveys in the territory of Karatau." Proceedings of the XXIII International Scientific Symposium of Students and Young Scientists named after Academician M.A. Usova "Problems of Geology and Subsoil Development" are posted in the RSCI.

8. Satpayev readings - 2019, the topic of the article is "Regional evaluation of the engineering-geological conditions of the Karatau territories and the creation of a GIS database".

Article title Journal title Direction Year