Aben Ardana
Master of Technical Sciences
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Surveying and Geodesy
Email: a.aben@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Since September 2014, I have been working as an assistant at the Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy at Satbayev University.
In 2008, I entered and in 2012 graduated from the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satbayev, specialty 050711- "Geodesy and cartography" with the assignment of an academic degree of a bachelor.
In 2012 I entered and in 2014 graduated from the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satbayev specialty 6M074100- "Cartography" with the assignment of an academic master's degree.
Scientific projects
Scientific interests in the field of geodesy and cartography.
Chen, Cheng Wang, Huayang Dai, Hebing Zhang, Feifei Pan, Xiaohuan Xi, Yueguan Yan, Pu Wang, Xuebo Yang, Xiaoxiao Zhu and Ardana Aben (2019) Power Pylon Reconstruction Based on Abstract Template Structures Using Airborne LiDAR Data. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 1579. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/11/13/1579
Әбен А.С., Ы. Жақыпбек. Дәстүрлі геодезиялық әдістерді метрополитен құрылысында қолдануды талдау. Actual Questions and Innovations in Science. Proceedings – Craiova: Eurasian Center of Innovative Development «DARA», 2019. P. 82-85. http://ecir.kz/assets/docs/Proceedings%20AQIS.pdf
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