Abulkhanova Maral
Master of Technical Sciences
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Electronics, Telecommunications and Space Technologies
Email: m.abulkhanova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Abulkhanova Maral Yuldashevna, master of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Space Technologies, Institute of Automation and Information Technologies, Satbayev University.
Abulkhanova Maral Yuldashevna graduated with honors from the specialty "Electronic Engineering"at the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev (Satbayev University) in 2005.In 2011, she successfully completed her Master's degree in Radio Engineering, Electronics andTelecommunications and received an academic degree of Master of Technical Sciences.
Abulkhanova Maral Yuldashevna, conducts laboratory classes in the disciplines of "ElectricalEngineering and Electronics", "Electronics and Circuit Engineering", "Fundamentals of ElectricalEngineering and Industrial Electronics", "Fundamentals of Electronics and Measuring technology","Microelectronics".
- K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University (Satbayev University) 2000-2005.Specialty: 350200 - "Electronic engineering".
- Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M.Tynyshpaeva, 2009-2011Specialty: 6N071900 - Radio Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications Degree: Master of Technical Sciences
International scientific and practical conferences
2.«Кешенді энергетикалық жүйе Болотовтың желдік роторлы трубинасы»«МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ «ПОИСК» РЕСПБУЛИКА КАЗАХСТАН», г.Алматы.
3.Разработка автоматизированной системы учета и сбора информации о потреблении электроэнергии жилого кваратала г. Алматы.//У1 МНПК «Европа и тюркский мир: наука, техника и технологии» –Бурса (Турция). –5-7.05.2021. –С. 321-327.
Educational and methodological guidelines
«Электр машиналары» пәнінің есептер жинағы. Ө.М.Матаев, М.Ю.Абулханова, Д.Т.Байниязов, Ж.Н.Жакипова. Қызылорда., «Сыр Қағанаты».
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