Adibayeva Sholpan Timurovna
Candidate of Philology
Associate Professor
Institute of Project Management
Department of Kazakh and Russian languages
Email: s.adibayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Adibayeva Sholpan Timurovna – Candidate of Philological Sciences, journalist, editor, copywriter, advertising and PR specialist, digital promotion consultant, SMM promotion coach. An expert in the philological and psychological examination of the text, specializes in the analysis of conflicting speech works on lawyer requests. Scientific and pedagogical experience - more than 20 years. From 2013 to the present – the leading author's literary club "Glass Snail" for schoolchildren, students, undergraduates and doctoral students.Education
KazNPU named after Abai (1996-2000).Scientific projects
In 2006, she defended her PhD thesis on literary criticism "The poetics of myth in fiction of the late twentieth – early twenty-first centuries" (based on the works of Viktor Pelevin).
Developed and conducted the following disciplines: Russian Russian Literature", "Didactic experiment of teaching literature at school and university", "Technologies of criterion assessment", "Russian folklore", "Practical Russian language", "Professional Russian language", "Advertising text and fiction text: comparative analysis", "Theory of Literature: modern scientific paradigms", "Methods of teaching literature", "Modern media text", "Poetics of postmodernism", "Fundamentals of SMM", "Copywriting", "Academic writing", "Language and style of mass media", "Language and style of QMS", "Literary and artistic analysis", "Art Criticism", "Genre forms and functions of journalism", "Introduction to methods of scientific research". Since 2013 – member of the commission for the evaluation of school republican and city scientific projects.
Adibayeva Sh.T. scientific supervisor, participant of many scientific projects.
IRN No. AP14871548 “Development of productive models for managing the development portfolio of small and medium-sized businesses for the conditions of Kazakhstan based on the ideas and principles of Agile technologies.”
1. Социальная сеть как воплощение идей постмодернизма Постмодернистская литература Казахстана: поэтика и семантика: Монография / Под ред. д.филол. н., профессора КазНПУ имени Абая Л.В. Сафроновой. – Алматы: 2014. – 142 с
2. «Геопоэтика» произведений современных алматинских авторов. «Алма-Ата, город, которого нет»». Научная конференции КазНПУ им. Абая «Проблемы поэтики и стиховедения» / Алматы: 2015. – С. 34-39
3. «Феномен маленького мира в повести «Любая Любовь Ильи Одегова»» Научный форум: Филология, искусствоведение и культурология: сб.ст. по материалам III международной научно-практической конференции - № 1 (3). – М., Издательство «МЦНО», 2017. – С. 71-79
4. «Мир семьи в литературе эпохи постмодерна» Ш.Т. Адибаева, Д.А. Сабирова / Вестник ЖенПИ № 2 (78), 2019 – С. 97-111
5. «Феномен маленького мира в повести казахстанского писателя «Любая любовь» Ильи Одегова» / Международная конференция «Интернет-литература Казахстана: основные художественные тенденции», 2023 – С. 41-56
6. «Глобальные и локальные тренды журналистики: контент и стилеобразующие факторы» Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая № 2(84), 2023 – С. 100-106
7. Статья «Актерское мастерство в системе инклюзивного образования» // Вестник КарУ. Серия «Педагогика» № 1 (113) - 2024
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