Aimaganbetov Kazybek Pirzhanuly
Senior Lecturer
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Materials Science, Nanotechnology and Engineering Physics
Email: k.aimaganbetov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
2014-present "Institute of Physics and Technology" LLP
2021-KazNRTU named after K. I. Satpayev
2010-2014: Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev (Almaty, Satpayev 22), Department of Robotics and Automation Equipment (RTITSA), specialty: "Instrument Engineering - 5B071600"
Master of Technical Sciences (2015-2017): Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev (Almaty, Satpayev 22), Department of General and Theoretical Physics (OITF), specialty "Technical Physics - 6M072300"
Doctoral studies 2018-2021 Satbayev University (Almaty, Satpayev 22). Department of General and Theoretical Physics (OITF), specialty "Technical Physics - 6D072300"
Scientific projects
Improving the operational characteristics of heterojunction silicon solar cells - (2015-2017)
Development of clean energy sources of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2013-2017 within the framework of EXPO-2017- (2015-2017)
Control of the surface states of crystalline silicon by passivation with amorphous hydrogenated intrinsic conductivity silicon - (2018 - 2020)
Production and research of promising renewable sources based on flexible organic semiconductor materials - (2018 - 2020)
Development of elements and construction of optimal systems for autonomous energy supply of agro-industrial facilities using renewable energy sources - (2018 - 2020)
Engineering of the properties of the heterojunction "crystalline silicon-amorphous silicon" - (2021 - 2023)
Optimization of the structure of thin films for the manufacture of solar cells on a flexible substrate - (2021 - 2023)
1. Tokmoldin N.S., Rakhimbayev B.S., Zholdybaev K.S., Aimaganbetov K.P. // Technology of silicon production and purification for solar energy. Bulletin of KazNITU. 2016. No. 6 (118). pp. 438-444.
2. Aimaganbetov K.P., Zholdybaev K.S., Zhantuarov S.R., Rakhimbayev B.S., Tokmoldin N.S. // Implementation of the method of unsteady spectroscopy of deep levels in a laboratory experiment for university students. Bulletin of the Treasury. The series is physical. No. 1 (60). 2017, pp. 149-156.
3. Aimaganbetov K.P., Tokmoldin N.S. // Relaxation spectroscopy of adisimen silicon diodtyn teren degaili parameterlerin zertteu. Khabarshy KazUU. Physics of the series. №3(62). 2017. 100-105 b.
4. Zhantuarov S.R., Zholdybaev K.S., Chuchvaga N.A., Aimaganbetov K., Pokket A., Karni M.J., Tokmoldin N.S. // Modeling of perovskite solar cells based on perovskite materials. Collection of materials of the round table: "New materials and technologies: powder metallurgy, composite materials, protective coatings, additive technologies and robotics", November 14, Almaty, 2017, pp.51-55
5. Chuchvaga N., Zholdybaev K., Zhantuarov S., Shongalova A., Aimaganbetov K., Tokmoldin N. // Domestic studies of highly efficient heterojunction silicon solar cells. Collection of materials of the round table: "New materials and technologies: powder metallurgy, composite materials, protective coatings, additive technologies and robotics", November 14, Almaty, 2017, pp. 59-65.
6. D.V. Girin, A.B. Sarsenov, S.R. Zhantuarov, K.P. Aimaganbetov, V.V. Klimenov, K.S. Chokin, A.A. Zahidov // "Development of vacuum solar collectors with alternative absorbing coatings based on carbon nanotubes for use in systems with high-potential thermal loads", 2017, Ioffe Institute, RE2017 (Russian Conference on Physicochemical problems of Renewable Energy).
7. Aimaganbetov K.P., Chuchvaga N.A., Zhantuarov S.R., Shongalova A.K., Tokmoldin N.S. Geterotkeld silicon kun elementinin baga factorlary men operatik shygys sipattamasyn ontel merzimine baylanysty aserin zertteu. Swag. Physics of the series. №1 (64). 2018. 19-24 b.
8. Zhantuarov S.R., Chuchvaga N.A., Zholdybaev K.S., Aimaganbetov K.P., Shongalova A.K., Mukhamedshina D.M., Tokmoldin N.S., Karni M.J. // Perovskite solar cells and the study of their characteristics. Collection of abstracts of the International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists, "Farabi Alemi", April 9-12, Almaty, 2018, p. 196.
9. Chuchvaga N.A., Kislyakova N.M., Aimaganbetov K.P., Rakymetov B.A., Tokmoldin N.S. // Investigation of the effect of wet chemical treatment on the surface of silicon monocrystalline plates // Bulletin of KazNU. The series is physical. №4 (67). 2018
10. Aimaganbetov K.P., Girin D.V., Klimenov V.V., Tokmoldin N.S., Tokmoldin S.Zh., Photoenergetikalyk kondyrgylardy testiluge arnalgan asa zharyk diodty negizindegi bakylau-olsheu zhuyesin azirleu // Bulletin of KazNITU // 2019. No. 4 (pp. 188-192)
11. Aimaganbetov K.P., Muratov D.A., Serikkanov A.S., Tokmoldin N.S., Terukov E.I., Almasov N.Zh., // Smart-shyny zhasau ushin iondy plasmalyk tozandatu adisimen alyngan NiOh zhane WOh zhuka kabyrshaktaryn optikalyk kasietterin zertteu // Bulletin of KazNITU // 2019. No. 5
12. Nemkaeva R.R. Muratov D.A., Serikkanov A.S., Almasov N.Zh., Aimaganbetov K.P. // Features of the growth structure of WS2 thin films by CVD method // Bulletin of KazNITU No. 6 (pp. 162-167)
13. Chuchvaga N.A., Aimaganbetov K.P., Tokmoldin N.S., Tokmoldin S.Zh. // Modeling and calculation of thermal and photophysical characteristics of high-efficiency silicon solar cells // Vestnik. Physical Series (VKF) 70 (3), 55-62
14. Aimaganbetov K.P. // Smart tereselerge zhurgizilgen tazhiribelik zhane teoriyalyk zertteu zhumystaryna sholu// Complex use of mineral raw materials// 2019 // Number 3 // Pages 34-40
15. Aimaganbetov K.P., Aldiyarov A.U., Terukov E.I., Almasov N.Zh., Tokmoldin N.S., Tokmoldin S.Zh. // Development of an installation for complex admittance measurements in the study of semiconductor structures // XI International Conference, "Amorphous and microcrystalline semiconductors", A. F. Ioffe Institute of Physics and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences and Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia//November 19-21, 2018
16. Aimaganbetov K.P., Girin D.V., Klimenov V.V., Tokmoldin N.S., Tokmoldin S.Zh., // Photoenergetikalyk kondyrgylardi testiluge arnalgan asa zharyk diodty negizindegi bakylau-olsheu zhuyesin azirleu// VI INTERNATIONAL FARABI READINGS International Scientific Conference of students and young scientists, "FARABI ALEMI" // Energy and energy efficiency // Al Farabi Kazakh National University// April 2-12, 2019
17. Aimaganbetov K.P., Muratov D.A., Serikkanov A.S., Tokmoldin N.S., Terukov E.I., Almasov N.Zh., // Smart-shyny zhasau ushin iondy plasmalyk tozandatu adisimen alyngan NiOh zhane WOh zhuka kabyrshaktaryn optikalyk kasietterin zertteu// International scientific and practical conference "Satpayev readings" dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Academician K.I. Satpayev and the 85th anniversary of KazNITU education Innovative technologies - the key to the successful solution of fundamental and applied problems in the ore and oil and gas sectors of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan// KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev// April 11, 2019
18. A Shongalova, D Muratov, B Rakhmetov, K Aimaganbetov, S Zhantuarov// On thermal stability of antimony thin films for solar cells applications//Herald. Physical Series (VKF) 68 (1), 47-51
19. KP Aimaganbetov, SK Shegebai, AU Aldiyarov, SR Zhantuarov, NS Tokmoldin// Arnayy zhasalgan tomen temperatural microcryogendik olsheu uyashygyn koldana otyryp impedance spectroscopy adisi arkyly kun elementerin electrophysical zertteu// Vestnik. Physical Series (VKF) 76 (1), 68-74
20. SR Zhantuarov, Zh B Omarova, AB Zhapar, AK Shongalova, NA Chuchvaga, KS Zholdybaev, KP Aimaganbetov, MJ Carnie, NS Tokmoldin // Manufacturing and performance analysis during degradation of perovskite solar cells// Herald. Physical Series (VKF) 75 (4), 38-45
21. KS Zholdybaev, DK Kundyzbai, KP Aimaganbetov, AK Shongalova, SR Zhantuarov, IA Ongar, NS Tokmoldin// Investigation and optimization of optical and electrical properties of indium tin oxide films obtained by magnetron sputtering at various oxygen flows// Herald. Physical Series (VKF) 73 (2), 42-49
22. Nikolay A Chuchvaga, Julius Schulze, Vassiliy V Klimenov, Kairat S Zholdybayev, Kazybek P Aimaganbetov, Sultan R Zhantuarov, Abay S Serikkanov, Eugeny I Terukov, Tokmoldin S Zh, Nurlan S Tokmoldin // Optimization and Fabrication of Heterojunction Silicon Solar Cells Using an Experimental-Industrial Facility AK-1000 Inline // News of higher educational institutions of Russia. Radio electronics 23 (5)
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