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Ainur Tursynbayeva

Ainur Tursynbayeva

Master of Technical Sciences, Master of engineering and technology

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology

Email: a.tursynbaeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

2006 - 2010 – studies at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics, Department of Thermophysics, Standardization and Metrology

2010 - 2012 – Master's degree at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics

2011 - 2012 – Professor of physics at the T.Ryskulov KazEU College of Economics.

2012 - 2016 – Lecturer at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

2016 - 2018 – Assistant in Physics and Chemistry at the International School of Miras.


2006-2010 - Al-Farabi Kazakh State University, Faculty of Physics, Department of Thermophysics, Standardization and Metrology

Specialty: Technical Physics – Bachelor's degree.

2010-2012 - Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics and Technology, Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics

Specialty: Physics – Master's degree. Academic degree – Master of Natural Sciences


1. Application of reynolds analogy during study of heat exchange of symmetric airfoil NASA-0021. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2017, 12(22), pp. 5968–5972.

Yershina, A.K., Manatbayev, R.K., Tulepbergenov, A.K., Tursynbayeva, A.E., Zulbukharova, E.M.

2. Zhan zhane shankomirlik alau onimderinin kuralu procesin modeldeu. Kazakhstan Republikasyn 20-zhyldyk tauelsizdigine arnalgan Zhas galymdar zhane studentdin "Gylym alemi" Halykaralyk conferences. - Almaty, KazUU. -2011. -39 b. Tursynbayeva A.E.

3. The effect of the initial fuel concentration on the combustion of laminar and turbulent jets. Gorenje Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific Conference "Modern achievements of Physics and fundamental physical education". - Almaty, KazNU. -2011. - pp.47-49. Tursynbayeva A.E.

4. Numerical studies of the combustion process for various fuel concentrations. Gorenje Bulletin of the Treasury. The series is physical. -2011, No.3(38), P-3-7. A.S.Askarova, S.A.Bolegenova, Zh.K.Shortanbayeva, Sh.S.Ospanova, Tursynbayeva A.E.

5. Numerical study of the effect of the initial fuel concentration on combustion modes. Gorenje Materials of the International correspondence scientific and practical Conference "Science and Technology in the modern world". – Novosibirsk, -2012. pp. 17-23. A.S.Askarova, S.A.Bolegenova, J.K.Shortanbaeva, V.Y.Maksimov, S.S.Ospanova, Tursynbayeva A.E.

6. Influence of concurrent flows on formation of burning harmful emissions from burning turbulent at methane. Izvestia of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 2, 2012. pp. 52-56. A.S.Askarova, S.A.Bolegenova, Sh.S.Ospanova, Tursynbayeva, A.E.

7. Modeling of the processes of formation of combustion products in a pulverized coal torch. Gorenje International Conference of students and young scientists "The World of Science". 2012, P.103. S.A.Bolegenova, Tursynbayeva A.E.

8. Europada radioactivity kaldyktardyn kauipsizdigin kamtamasyz eto men retteu. "Sapaly bilim, ozyk gylym, zhasyl economics - galamshar bolashagi" atta halykaralyk gylym-pratikalyk conference. 16 January 2014 zhyl. 330-331 bettera. A.A. Kuykabayeva, Tursynbayeva A.E., Zh.Kartanbayev

9. Technetium-99m negizindegi radiopharm dari-darmekterdi koldanudagi positrondy-electron tomography zhane birphotondy emissiondy computer tomography natizhelerin mathematik modeldeu// Bulletin of KazNU 2015 No. 5, pp.277-28. I.N.Bekman, A.A. Kuykabaeva, A.K. Danlybaeva, A.E. Tursynbayeva

10. Kazakhstan madeni, aleumettik zhane sayasi damuyn deheyin zhastardyn bagalauy natizhesimen taldau// Bulletin of KazNU 2015 No.5, pp.600-606. Kuykabayeva A.A., Tursynbayeva A.E., Danlybayeva A.K., Bolysbekova Sh., Zulbukharova E.M., Boribayeva M.A., Bershimbayeva L.M.

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